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Joseph E. Kamen <br />Director, Administration and <br />Finance <br />CITY of SOUTH BEND <br />ROGER 0. PARENT, Mayor <br />COUNTY -CITY BUILDING SOUTH BEND, INDIANA 46601 <br />November 18, 1981 <br />South Bend Common Council <br />4th Floor Council Chambers <br />South Bend, Indiana 46601 <br />Dear Members of the Council: <br />219/284 -9742 <br />The bill you have before you would provide for the transfer of <br />monies between various accounts within departments with several <br />funds of the City of South Bend. <br />All of the transfers that are requested will keep all of the <br />affected funds within their originally budgeted amounts. There- <br />fore, no fund is in any danger of operating at a deficit. This <br />transfer of funds is necessary at this time in order that appro- <br />priated monies will match actual expenditures in the various <br />budgets. <br />If you have any questions about this bill please contact me. <br />Thank you very much. <br />Sincerely, <br />oseph E. Kernan <br />City Controller <br />JEK:des <br />Attachment <br />