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(3) Associated Equipment or Buildings and Compound Area Requirements: <br />(A) Fencing and Landscaping of Ground Mounted Associated Equipment or <br />Buildings: <br />i. Fencing Required -The compound area and all guy anchors shall <br />be secured with aboard-on-board or chain link fence of not less <br />than six (6) feet in height nor more than ten (10) feet in height. A <br />security wire (barbed, razor, etc.) maybe located on the <br />telecommunications tower-side of the fence but shall not extend <br />above the top of the fence. A chain link fence, if used, shall be <br />black vinyl coated. <br />ii. Landscaping Required -Landscaping shall be installed around the <br />perimeter of the fenced compound area running the full length of <br />all sides of the compound area or building, except for entry gates <br />or doors. The type of landscaping required shall be based upon the <br />open space of the fence. If the fence has an open space of: <br />a. fifty (50) percent or greater, a ten (10) foot wide <br />landscaping strip running the full length of all sides of the <br />compound area or building, except for entry gates or doors, <br />with a four (4) evergreen trees for every thirty (30) feet <br />shall be installed on the outside of the fenced area; or, <br />b. less than fifty (50) percent but greater than twenty (20) <br />percent, a ten (10) foot wide landscaping strip running the <br />full length of all sides of the compound area or building, <br />except for entry gates or doors, with a two (2) evergreen <br />trees for every twenty-five (25) feet shall be installed on the <br />outside of the fenced area; or, <br />c. twenty (20) percent or less, a ten (10) foot wide <br />landscaping strip running the full length of all sides of the <br />compound area or building, except for entry gates or doors, <br />with one (1) ornamental tree (minimum 1 '/2" caliper) <br />planted for every twenty-five (25) feet on the outside of the <br />fenced area. <br />iii. Interior access drives or walkways that lead to the entry into the <br />compound area or building shall behard-surfaced with asphalt or <br />concrete. <br />14 <br />