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CITY of SOUTH BEND <br />ROGER 0. PARENT, Mayor <br />COUNTY -CITY BUILDING • SOUTH BEND, INDIANA 46601 <br />DIVISION OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT <br />M E M O R A N D U M <br />TO: Members of the Common Council <br />FROM: Colleen Rosenfeld, Director <br />Division of Community Development <br />SUBJECT: Transfer Ordinance <br />DATE: April 19, 1982 <br />1440 County-City Building <br />South Band, Indiana 46601 <br />(219) 2849335 <br />Attached for your consideration is an ordinance transferring <br />$645,917 from 1979 and 1980 funds and $389,722 from 1981 funds for <br />• total of $1,035,639. The reprogramming of these funds will accomplish <br />• variety of functions; annualization of additional budgets, increased <br />or continued funding for high- demand activities, and assist in <br />utilizing funds in the current program year. <br />The activities that are being reduced are due primarily to the <br />completion of the activity with funds remaining. However, a few of the <br />activities may require additional information for your review. The <br />Bureau of Housing, Redevelopment, and Community Development Administration <br />reductions are requested due to staff cutbacks and departmental <br />restructuring. The Local Development Corp. funds (CD -79 -601, CD -80 -601), <br />the Low Interest Loan Fund for Comm. /Res. Rehab (CD -80 -603), and the <br />Neighborhood Business Revitalization (CD -80 -601) are being consolidated <br />to the Commercial Revolving Loan Fund (CD -81 -603) to more effectively utilize <br />the funds. The Fellows - Columbia Construction Project (CD- 80 -304D) funds <br />will still be used for Monroe Sample Site Improvements (CD- 81 -304D) benefiting <br />the same group and serving the same purpose of traffic flow /public improvements <br />in the area. The Neighborhood Code Enforcement activity (CD -81 -201) is <br />proposed to receive additional funds in order to purchase vehicles for C.D. <br />funded inspectors and to acquire uniforms for inspectors. The general park <br />improvements funds (CD -81 -402) will be used to address a variety of needs <br />that have been identified by the parks department. We are working on <br />determining the eligibility of a couple of the projects; the needs far <br />exceed the funds being made available in the transfer ordinance. The <br />Neighborhood Clean -Up Crew (CD -81 -205) increase represents a request for the <br />addition of three temporary crew members for a three month period to assist <br />