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Code, and after taking the oath of office, shall take the chair <br />and preside over all regular, special and- eatieus- informal meetings <br />of the Council. <br />(5) Sec. 2 -7 Duties of City Clerk as Clerk of Council <br />(h) The Clerk shall make available to the press and any other <br />interested person, upon request, public information which is avail- <br />able concerning the subjects to be discussed at any regular, special <br />or eaueus- informal meeting of the Council, and shall make available <br />the time, date, and place of such meetings. <br />(6) Sec,2 -9 Parlimentary Procedure for the Common Council. <br />(v)(4) Any bill which does not conform to the requirements <br />of this sub - section may be rejected by the City Clerk when presented <br />for filine. <br />(ff) Effective date: the effective date of all bills shall <br />be prescribed therein;; however, no bill prescribing a penalty or <br />forfeiture for a violation shall become effective before publication <br />tkeFee €- as- required- by -Seate -law- in the manner prescribed by I.C. <br />36- 4- 6 -14(b) or (c). <br />Sec. 2 -12 Council meetings; order of business. <br />Business shall be taken up in the following order, unless <br />the Council, by a two- thirds vote shall suspend the rules: <br />(1) pledge to the flag; <br />(2) roll call; <br />(3) minutes of last meeting; <br />(4) special business; <br />(5) reports of Council Committees, report of City offices; <br />(6) Committee of the Whole; <br />(7) bills on second reading; <br />(8) resolutions; <br />(9) bills on first reading; <br />(10) petitions; <br />(11)- Piviiege -e €- eke - €iee unfinished business; <br />(12)- tin €iaisked- btisiaess; new business; <br />(13)- new- btisiaess; privilege oche floor; <br />(14) adjournament. <br />(8) Sec. 2 -12.1 Copies of Correspondence and Reports <br />(a) All Bureau and Department heads who send correspondence <br />addressed to the entire Common Council shall include copies of the <br />same for the Citv Clerk and t e Council Attorney. <br />to the entire <br />SECTION III. This <br />from and after its passage <br />Mayor, and publication. <br />this Code or which are s <br />be sent to the City C1er <br />7 maintain conies of sai <br />to t <br />Ordinance shall be in full force and effect <br />by the Common Council and approval by the <br />G <br />Member of the Common Council <br />Passed, as amended, February 8, 1982 <br />1&11 <br />