employment. Council Member Slavinskas made a motion to adopt this resolution,
<br />seconded by Council Member Duda. The resolution was adopted by a roll call vote of
<br />nine ayes.
<br />WHEREAS, the City of South Bend, Indiana, is the owner of certain real estate
<br />and improvements located 224 North Main Street and known as the South Bend Water
<br />Works Administration Building, which building houses the administrative offices of
<br />the South Bend Water Works; and
<br />WHEREAS, said Water Works Administration Building its used and staff by the
<br />employees of the South Bend Water Works and houses the City's water utility
<br />operations; and
<br />WHEREAS, said Water Works Administration Building comprises approximately 4,700
<br />square feet, which area is insufficiently large to accommodate all of the staff and
<br />operations of the City's water utility, which insufficiency results in the
<br />inefficient operation of the City's water utility and added cost of such operations;
<br />and
<br />WHEREAS, said Water Works Administration Building is plagued with structural and
<br />operational problems, including handicap inaccessibility, cracks, poor heating,
<br />ventilating and air conditioning systems, poor wiring and inadequate power supply,
<br />leaking roof, inadequate fire power supply, leaning roof, inadequate fire protection,
<br />pest problems; and
<br />WHEREAS, the most efficient and cost effective allocation of resources warrants
<br />the relocation of the City's Water Works administrative operations from said Water
<br />Works Administration Building to a new facility that is both adequately sized to
<br />house utility needs and which shall be properly ventilated and otherwise equipped;
<br />and
<br />WHEREAS, the owners of the real estate and improvements at 125 West Colfax
<br />Street, South Bend, Indiana, formerly housing the Summit Bank Building, are desirous
<br />of selling such real estate and improvements to the City for use as the City's Water
<br />Works Administration Building; and
<br />WHEREAS, the Director of the real estate and improvements at 125 W. Colfax
<br />Street, South Bend, Indiana, formerly housing the Summit Bank Building, are desirous
<br />of selling such real estate and improvements to the City for use as the City's Water
<br />Works Administration Building; and
<br />WHEREAS, the Director of the South Bend Water Works has inspected said Summit
<br />Bank Building property and has found it to be adequately sized, and with
<br />improvements, otherwise suited for use as the City's Water Works Administration
<br />Building; and
<br />WHEREAS, the Director of the South Bend Water Works has Commissioned and
<br />obtained two (2) appraisals of the Summit Bank Building property located at 125 West
<br />Colfax prepared by two (2) appraisers professionally engaged in making appraisals;
<br />and
<br />WHEREAS, said appraisals have been returned to the Director of the South Bend
<br />Water Works who, on September 7, 1993, filed said appraisals with the Board of Water
<br />Works Commissioners for the City of south Bend; and
<br />WHEREAS, said appraisals have been presented to the South Bend Common Council
<br />and are presently on file at the Water Works Administration Building and shall remain
<br />on file for a period of five (5) years; and
<br />WHEREAS, said appraisals have appraised the Summit Bank Building property at 125
<br />West Colfax at $340,000.00 and $325,000.00; and
<br />WHEREAS, the Director of the South Bend Water Works recommended to the Board of
<br />Water Works Commissioners of the City of South Bend that it offer to purchase the
<br />Summit Bank Building property for $320,000.00; and
<br />WHEREAS, the Board of Water Works Commissioners of the City of South Bend, at
<br />its September 7, 1993, meeting adopted a resolution declaring it to be of public
<br />utility and benefit that the property at 125 West Colfax commonly known as the Summit
<br />Bank Building be acquired; and
<br />WHEREAS, on September 21, 1993, the Board of Water Works Commissioners of the
<br />City of South Bend held a public hearing on the public utility and benefit of
<br />acquiring the Summit Bank Building at 125 West Colfax and that after the hearing the
<br />Board of Water Works Commissioners affirmed this Resolution declaring the acquisition
<br />of the Summit Bank Building to be of public utility and benefit; and
<br />WHEREAS, the Board of Water Works Commissioners for the City of South Bend has
<br />established a maximum purchase price ft the Summit Bank Building of $320,000.00; and
<br />WHEREAS, I.C. 36 -1- 10.5 -5 (1) provides that the Common Council shall pass a
<br />resolution declaring that it is interested in purchasing the property commonly
<br />