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05-23-94 Council Meeting Minutes
Common Council
Common Council Meeting Minutes
05-23-94 Council Meeting Minutes
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Council Mtg Minutes
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REGULAR MEETING <br />se g. <br />SECTION III. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its <br />adoption by the Common Council and approval by the Mayor. <br />/s /Ann Puzzello <br />Member of the Common Council <br />A public hearing was held on the resolution at this time. Richard Allen, the <br />petitioner, made the presentation. He indicated that the new construction would <br />cost approximately $230,000.00 and that between eight to thirty -two jobs will be <br />created. Council Member Slavinskas explained the process of filing the proper form <br />with the County Auditor after approval. When the property is assessed, there is <br />a thirty day filing deadline with the Auditor's office. Council Member Coleman <br />made a motion to adopt this resolution, seconded by Council Member Washington. <br />The resolution was adopted by a roll call vote of eight ayes. <br />RESOLUTION NO. 2131 -94 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE ADOPTION OF A DECLARATORY <br />RESOLUTION DESIGNATING CERTAIN AREAS WITHIN THE CITY OF <br />SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, COMMONLY KNOWN AS 1702 WEST <br />WASHINGTON STREET, SOUTH BEND, INDIANA TO BE AN ECONOMIC <br />REVITALIZATION AREA FOR PURPOSES OF A FIVE (5) YEAR <br />PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX ABATEMENT FOR MANUFACTURING <br />TECHNOLOGY, INC. <br />WHEREAS, the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, has adopted a <br />Declaratory Resolution designating certain areas within the City as Economic <br />Revitalization Areas for the purpose of tax abatement consideration; and <br />WHEREAS, a Declaratory Resolution designated the area commonly known as 1702 W. <br />Washington, South Bend IN, and which is particularly described as follows: <br />PARCEL I: A lot or parcel of Land in the City of South Bend, located in the <br />East Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section Number Ten (10), Township <br />Number Thirty -seven (37) North, Range Number Two (2) East, bounded by a line <br />running as follows, viz: Beginning at a point in the South line of West <br />Washington Avenue 7.58 feet West from a point where the West line of College <br />Street extended South would intersect the South line of said West Washington <br />Avenue thence South 208 feet; thence East along the South line of Washington <br />Avenue a distance of 395.87 feet to the place of beginning. <br />PARCEL II. Also, beginning at a point in the South line of West Washington <br />Avenue 7.58 feet West from a point where the West line of College Street <br />extended South would intersect the South line of Washington Avenue and being <br />at the Northeast corner of the above described tract 293.6 feet to an iron <br />stake; thence East 19.69 feet, more or less, to the Southwest corner of a <br />tract of land conveyed to the South Bend Wholesale Drug Company by deed <br />recorded in Deed Record 333 page 336; thence North 293.6 feet, more or less, <br />to a point in the South line of West Washington Avenue 20 feet East of the <br />place of beginning; thence West 20 feet to the place of beginning, subject, <br />however, to a perpetual easement of right of way in common with the Grantees <br />at all times and for all purposes over the following real estate for the use <br />and benefit of the South Bend Drug Co., Inc. <br />A part of the East Half (1/2) of the Northeast Quarter (1/4) of Section Ten <br />(10), Township Thirty -seven (37) North, Range Two (2) East, described as <br />follows: Beginning at a point on the South line of Washington Avenue which <br />is 389.87 feet West to a point which is 7.58 feet West from the West line of <br />College Street extended South to the South line of Washington Avenue; thence <br />due South 133.5 feet; thence Easterly 321.3 feet to a point 130.3 feet due <br />South from the South line of Washington Avenue; thence in a Southeasterly <br />direction 102 feet to an iron stake, which iron stake is 208 feet due South <br />from Washington Avenue; thence North 46.2 feet; thence in a Northwesterly <br />direction 80.3 feet to a point 100.3 feet due South from the South line of <br />Washington Avenue; thence Westerly 305.6 feet to a point due South 103.5 feet <br />from the South line of Washington Avenue, thence North 103.5 feet from the <br />South line of Washington Avenue which is 30 feet East of the place of <br />beginning, thence West 30 feet to the place of beginning. <br />with said real estate having the following Key Nos. 18 2001 0005, 18 2001 0002, <br />18 as an Economic Revitalization Area; and <br />WHEREAS, notice of the adoption of a Declaratory Resolution and the public hearing <br />before the Council has been published pursuant to Indiana Code 6 -1.1- 12.1 -2.5; and <br />WHEREAS, the Council held a public hearing for the purposes of hearing all <br />remonstrances and objections from interested persons; and <br />WHEREAS, the Council has determined that the qualifications for an economic <br />revitalization area have been met. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of South Bend, <br />
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