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WVGI(Alley 14')(Alley 14')Marion St. (82.5' R/W)Madison St. (82.5' R/W)Lafayette St. (82.5' R/W) <br />Williams St. (66' R/W) <br />(Alley 14')NEW STOP SIGN.EXISTING"STOP" SIGN.NEW" ENDSCHOOL ZONE"SIGN.NEW "REDUCEDSPEED ZONE"SIGN.NEW" ENDSCHOOL ZONE"SIGN.NEW "REDUCEDSPEED ZONE"SIGN.EXISTINGPEDESTRIANCROSSING.EXISTINGPEDESTRIANCROSSING.NEW "NOEXIT" SIGN.NEW "NO PARKING" SIGN.PARENT STAGING ATPICK-UP OF DELAYEDSTUDENTS.TRAFFICCONECONTROLBARRICADEIF NEEDEDNEW "ENDSCHOOL ZONE"SIGN.NEW "REDUCEDSPEED ZONE" SIGN.NEW "ENDSCHOOL ZONE"SIGN.NEW "REDUCEDSPEED ZONE"SIGN.NEW" ENDSCHOOL ZONE"SIGN.NEW "REDUCEDSPEED ZONE"SIGN.NEW "REDUCEDSPEED ZONE"SIGN.NEW "ENDSCHOOL ZONE"SIGN.NEW "RIGHT TURNONLY" SIGN.SCHOOL BUSSCHOOL BUSNEW "NO PARKING" SIGN.200' <br />The Portage School of Leaders <br />The Career Academy of South Bend <br />305 W. Madison St <br />South Bend, Indiana 46601 <br />A Renovation of Temple Beth-El for:Copyright © 2024 All rights reservedSheetOfReproduction or use withoutexpress written consent isprohibited.BUILDING CORPORATIONDate416 East Monroe StreetSuite 320South Bend, IN 46601574.234.0124480123Project #File #Job DescriptionPanzicaConstructionGroupwww.panzica.netRevisionsThese drawings are property ofPanzica Building Corp.These drawings are property of Panzica Building Corporation 1"1/2"0 2"SCALE: 1" = 40'20'40'080'1SCALE 1" = 40'NEW SCHOOL SIGN PLANNOTE:SEE SHEET C400 FOR NEWCONCRETE APPROACH PLAN.To Submit a Locate Request24 Hours a Day, Seven Days a Week:Call 811 or 800-382-5544New School Sign PlanC401February 29, 2023Guidance:The reduced speed zone should begin either at a point 60 m(200 ft) from the crosswalk, or at a point 30 m (100 ft) from theschool property line, based on whichever is encountered firstas traffic approaches the school.Standard:The end of an authorized and posted school speed zoneshall be marked with a standard Speed Limit sign showingthe speed limit for the section of highway that follows or withan END SCHOOL ZONE (S5-2) signStandard:If used, the School Crosswalk Warning assembly (see Figure7B-1) shall be installed at the marked crosswalk, or as closeto it as possible, and shall consist of a School AdvanceWarning (S1-1) sign supplemented with a diagonal downwardpointing arrow (W16-7p) plaque to show the location of thecrossing.The School Crosswalk Warning assembly shall not be used atmarked crosswalks other than those adjacent to schools andthose on established school pedestrian routes.The School Crosswalk Warning assembly shall not beinstalled on approaches controlled by a STOP sign.The School Advance Warning assembly should beinstalled not less than 45 m (150 ft) nor more than 210 m(700 ft) in advance of the school grounds or schoolcrossings or as determined by engineering judgement.A4002A40031Rev 103/08/24. Update trafficflow.THE PORTAGE SCHOOL OFLEADERS IS REQUESTINGTHAT THE ALLEYWAY BECOMEONE-WAY NORTH FORCONSISTENT TRAFFIC FLOW.1