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Section 7 -13. Default; termination. <br />(a) In the event that a franchisee is in violation of any <br />of the terms and conditions of the franchise agreement <br />and fails to correct such violation within ninety (90) <br />days after being served with written notice by the <br />Board of same, the Board shall have the right and <br />option to declare the franchisee to be in default and <br />to terminate the franchise. In the event of such <br />termination, the City shall have the right to acquire <br />by purchase and thereafter to sell the CATV facilities <br />of the franchisee, upon paying to the franchisee the <br />fair market value at the time of termination. <br />(b) Upon termination of a franchise agreement or any <br />renewal thereof by the passage of time or otherwise, <br />the franchisee shall remove its supporting structures, <br />poles, transmission and distribution systems and other <br />appurtenances from the streets, alleys, and other <br />public ways and public places in, over, under or along <br />which they are installed and shall restore the areas to <br />their original condition. If such removal is not <br />completed within six (6) months of termination, the <br />City may deem any property not removed as having been <br />abandoned. <br />SECTION II. Severab�il�ity. If any section, clause or <br />phrase of this or finance is herd unconstitutional or void, such <br />unconstitutionality or voidness shall not affect the validity of the <br />remainder of the ordinance, and any portions in conflict are hereby <br />repealed. <br />SECTION III. This ordinance shall be in full force and <br />effect frommand after passage by the Common Council, approval by <br />the Mayor, and legal publication. <br />i- �R8 -g'3 <br />R1f €z eEu <br />PASSED <br />em er ot the ¢ on Councii <br />13 <br />