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D-404 782731L`7 <br />A part of Lot No. 50 in Rockafeller's Second Addition to <br />the City of South Bend, taken off of and from the North end thereof <br />and bounded as follows: Beginning at the North East end and corner <br />of said lot, thence South nineteen <br />said lot, thence Southwesterly to a(19) feet along the East line of <br />lot 48.2 feet South of the Northwest pcorner oint nofnsaid slot �as origiid <br />constituted and described in the original plat of Rockafeller's second <br />addition, thence North along the West line of said lot, nineteenna19) <br />feet to the right -of --way of the Chicago, Lake Shore and South Bend <br />Railway Company, and thence in a Northeasterly direction to the place <br />of beginning. Being described in St. Joseph County Land Records in <br />Deed Book 1503 Page 222. <br />D-404 A <br />So much of Lot No. 50 in Rockafeller's Second Addition to <br />the 01ty of South Bend, which lies between two lines drawn as follows: <br />Beginning at a point on the west line of said Lot 50, 99 feet north <br />of the southwest corner thereof; thence drawing a straight line to a <br />Point on the east line of said lot; which point is 138 feet north of <br />the southeast corner of said lot; the other line being north thereof <br />and being drawn from a point on the west line of said lot 48.2 feet <br />south of the northwest corner thereof, drawn in a straight line to <br />a point on the east line of said lot, which point is 19 feet south <br />of 'he northeast corner of said lot; the lands lying between the said <br />two lines being a part of said two lines, being a part of said lot 50. <br />Being described in St. Joseph County Land Records in Fee Book 39,Page <br />132. <br />D-405 <br />A strip of land fifteen (15) feet wide taken off of the en- <br />tire length of the east side of Lot Forty-five (45) and another strip <br />of land twenty (20) feet in width, taken off of the entire length of <br />the west side of Lot Forty-six (46), all as shown on the recorded plat <br />of Rockafeller's Second Addition to the City of South Bend. The par- <br />ticular part of the lands sought to be condemned is particularly de- <br />scribed as follows: Beginning at a point on the east line of said <br />described lands, which is eight (8) feet and six (6) inches North of <br />the South line of said described lands; thence running southwesterly <br />to a point on the south line of said land, which point is tl,Tenty-six <br />(26) and seven (7) inches from the southeast corner of said described <br />lands; thence east on the south line of said Lot to the said southeast <br />corner; thence north on the east line of said described lands, a dis- <br />tance of eight (8) feet six (6) inches to the place of beginning. <br />Being described in St. Joseph County Land Records in Fee Book 39, Page <br />55. <br />D-- 4o6 <br />So much of the west Thirty-one (31) feet Two (2) inches in <br />width off of and from the west side of the entire length of Lot Fifty- <br />one (51) in Rockafeller's Second Addition to the City of South Bend, <br />which lies north of a line drawn from a point which is One Hundred <br />Thirty-eight (138) feet distant north from the south line of said <br />