MAIL DEED TO: • MAIL_ TAX RII_[ R Tn.---..---.•-
<br />lMail Deed To: Mail Tax Bills To:
<br />a �y-q3�i - fy y���'G�.���e•��E���•tiw�
<br />790668G Transfer No. 0
<br />Taxing Unit
<br />WARRANTY DEED Date —II--7
<br />The 104 South Main Joint Venture, an Indiana partnership, the Grantor, conveys
<br />d warrants to The City of South Bend, by its Board of Public Works, the Grantee, for and in
<br />nsideration of one dollar ($1.00) and other valuable consideration, the receipt of which is
<br />reby acknowledged, real estate in St. Joseph County in the State of Indiana, described as
<br />ows:
<br />A part of Lots Numbered Thirty-five (35) and Thirty-six (36) as
<br />shown on the Original Plat of the Town, now City of South Bend,
<br />described as follows, viz: Beginning at the Northwest corner of
<br />said Lot Numbered Thirty-six (36) ; thence East along the North
<br />line of said Lot Numbered Thirty-six (36) , a distance of 66 feet
<br />10 inches; thence South a distance of 132 feet to the South line of
<br />said Lot Numbered Thirty-five (35); thence West along the said
<br />South line of Lot Numbered Thirty-five (35) , a distance of 66 feet
<br />10 inches to the Southwest corner of said Lot Numbered Thirty-
<br />five (35) ; thence North along the West line of said Lots Numbered :- G
<br />Thirty-five (35) and Thirty-six (36) , a distance of 132 feet toi he
<br />place of beginning. - r
<br />Subject to a private alley 10 feet in width, North and South- -t4keli =
<br />off of and from the entire width of the South side of said brc;_:t . Z_
<br />Subject to all assessments, liens, and encumbrances, and-fn
<br />covenants, conditions, restrictions and easements of recoru , �qd _
<br />to legal zoning, building and/or use ordinances and regulations.
<br />Signed and dated on April 11, 1979.
<br />an Indiana partner ip
<br />7;4—
<br />Mary(/Gretchen Anderson, Executrix DonarPatrick
<br />of the Estate of Joseph D . Ande?,son �/
<br />�o A . Whitme " _ - ��m
<br />s T . Treat
<br />a,/j
<br />Richard J . Me onald Rett F . Donnefly
<br />ss:
<br />Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State,
<br />personally appeared Donald Patrick, Richard J . McDonald and Rett F . Donnelly and
<br />acknowledged the execution of the foregoing deed on April 11, 1979.
<br />My Commission expires: '
<br />August 16, 1981 J n/ . Peddycord , Notary ublic residing in
<br />Sty/Joseph County, Indiana
<br />) ss:
<br />Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in'-arad
<br />personally appeared Mary Gretchen Anderson, James T -'-T
<br />and acknowledged the execution of the foregoing deegA%
<br />My Commission expires:
<br />raid County and State,
<br />w ' John A. Whitmer
<br />�u y. It'll, Im _ N t y Public reot"a in . q ty os ph Coun ,
<br />I diana �To?°:.' .c,a; .=,
<br />This instrument prepared by John H. Peddycord, 224 W'ep'4*'efP :Boulevard, Suite 600
<br />South Bend, Indiana - Telephone: (219) 232-2031 „a,.
<br />