THIS INDENTURE, made this 8th day of August , A. D., 1979 , between
<br />Ralph De Meyer , as Sheriff of St. Joseph County, in the State of Indiana, of the First Part,
<br />and City of South Bend
<br />of the County of St, Joseph State of Indiana , of the Second Part,
<br />WITNESSETH That: Whereas, at the April Term of the St. Joseph CircuitA
<br />Court , of St. Joseph County, Indiana, A. D., 17tl� April, 1979. 7ra;1slCity of South Bend Taxingrecovered judgment in said Court, in Cause No. H-7044 against �/
<br />Mary Alice Taylor & Marie A. Killelea DZ'•ts
<br />Defendants, in the sum of NineHundred and ninety-nine dollars ($999.00)
<br />together with costs, and a decree for the sale of all the interest, estate, right and title of the defendants
<br />aforesaid in and to the certain real estate hereinafter described, as by the record thereof in said Court more I
<br />fully appears; and J
<br />Whereas, afterwards an order of sale was duly issued, directed to Dean Bolerjack ,
<br />then the Sheriff of St. Joseph County, Indiana, commanding him to sell the Iand hereinafter described, and all
<br />interest, estate, right, and title of the defendants aforesaid therein, or so much thereof as might be necessary,
<br />according to the terms of said decree, to pay and satisfy the judgment and decree aforesaid, with the interest
<br />and costs thereon; and
<br />Whereas, at a sale duly advertised and held on the 3rd day of August , A. D., 1978 ,
<br />conformable to law and said decree, said Dean Bolerjack Sheriff, did first expose to sale at public
<br />auction, the rents and profits for a term not exceeding seven years of said estate of said defendants and each
<br />of them, and receiving no bid therefor, then offered at public auction aforesaid, all the rights, title, and inter-
<br />est in fee simple of the said defendants and each of them in and to said real estate and
<br />City of South Bend
<br />did then and there bid the sum of
<br />One -thousand, Sixty-four and 78/100 ($1,064.78)
<br />and no person bidding more, the same was in due form openly struck off and sold to the said
<br />City of South Bend
<br />for the said sum so bid, it being the highest
<br />bidder and that being the highest price bid for the same; and
<br />Whereas, also on the 3rd day of August 1 A. D•, 1978 , as required by law,
<br />Dean Bolerjack then Sheriff as aforesaid, executed to said purchaser a certificate reciting
<br />the foregoing facts and that said purchaser would be entitled to a deed of conveyance therefor, if no redemp-
<br />tion from said sale be made as and within the time fixed by law;
<br />ncl-a€tei s; te- i =-0 the- - 44a3T Gf--------------)-ArLkn-------_the_%%!d-pu-rchaser dkLassign_
<br />-aaxl-tr�x�sf��,sa.i,ct cer_ti£icate-biz �.ntinrsemEnt �hP�nT �.o
<br />the miner-__three€ra�appeaxs l�y� efer�nse a �",e ifi�.ate,
<br />NOW, THEREFORE, to confirm to said purchaser and assigns the sale so made as aforesaid, the under-
<br />signed Ralph De Meyer , now Sheriff of said St. Joseph County, in consideration of the prem-
<br />ises and the statute so providing, and of the non -redemption by said defendants, or any of them, or any other
<br />person entitled so to do as provided by law, hath GRANTED, BARGAINED, and SOLD, and doth by these
<br />presents, GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL, CONVEY, AND CONFIRM to the said
<br />City of South Send
<br />Its heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, FOREVER, all the following real estate
<br />situated in the County of St. Joseph and State of Indiana, to -wit:
<br />A part of Lot No. 7 and vacated Rail Road Ave. in Block
<br />No. 6 as shown on the recorded Plat of William S. Vail's c
<br />i r v'
<br />Add. to the Town, now City of South Bend, which part i s
<br />bounded by a line running as follows, viz: Beginning on o;_'- `
<br />r. t —;
<br />the East line with the So. Taylor St. in said City, at a poLrit
<br />84-1/4'so. of corner bounded by intersection of said
<br />East line with the So. line of W. Wayne St. in said City; C :
<br />thence running No. on said East line of Taylor St. 43'; _
<br />thence East 38-1/2'; thence So. 43'; thence West 38-1/2' — �1
<br />to the place of beginning, and more commonly known as
<br />304 South Taylor street.
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, all and singular, the premises aforesaid, with the privileges and appurtenances,
<br />to the said grantee its heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, forever, in
<br />as full and ample manner as the same was held by said defendants and all those claiming under p through
<br />them at the time of the accrual of the rights of the judgment creditor as mentioned in said decree,'.--:.
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said undersigned, as Sheriff as afore id, hereunto set his�_hand' and
<br />seal the day and year first above written. _
<br />It
<br />k (SEAL)
<br />Before me, Irvin J. Manuszak , Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for St. Joseph Count�,:,Indiana,
<br />personally came Ralph De Meyer , Sheriff of said St. Joseph County, and acknowledged
<br />,t
<br />r_r the execution of the foregoing conveyance o be his act and deed as such Sheriff.
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto subscribe my namp and affix any official seal of office, this 8th
<br />day of August , A. D., 1979
<br />SEAL
<br />Irvin J. Manusz al
<br />erk of St. Joseph ircuit Court.
<br />-This instrument was prepared by Marcia Fuller on }� ha-�f
<br />of Ralph De Meyer, Sheriff, St. Joseph County, Indiana.
<br />