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Hold - City Attorney's Office «�_,.� �1 11) / S <br />e�_,%: 2;s 0J 14, " <br />THIS INDENTURE, made this 2nd day of October , A. D., 1 978 , between <br />Dean Bol er jack , as Sheriff of St. Joseph County, in the State of Indiana, of the First Part, <br />xv . <br />and City of South Bend <br />of the County of Saint Joseph State of Indiana , of the Second Part, <br />WITNESSETH That: Whereas, at the September Term of the SL, Jpseph Ci rcui t <br />G , <br />Court , of St. Joseph County, Indiana, A. D., 1976, <br />City of South Bend ; raoster <br />recovered judgment in said Court, in Cause No. H-3171� , against Taxing Unit �S�' E` I+ <br />Bertha M. Carter �,i ~��; 7 12S' <br />1,G`� i co Uat,3 <br />Defendants, in the sum of Nine Hundred Thirty-nine and no/100ths. •J$93940) <br />together with costs, and a decree for the sale of all the interest, estate, iig ,and title, of the defendants <br />aforesaid in and to the certain real estate hereinafter described, as b� j$h� rdcdtd th reof'in said Court more <br />fully appears; and <br />Whereas, afterwards an order of sale was duly issued, directed to Dean Bol er jack , <br />then the Sheriff of St. Joseph County, Indiana, commanding him to sell the land hereinafter described, and all <br />interest, estate, right, and title of the defendants aforesaid therein, or so much thereof as might be necessary, <br />according to the terms of said decree, to pay and satisfy the judgment and decree aforesaid, with the interest <br />and costs thereon; and <br />Whereas, at a sale duly advertised and held on the 22n d day of September , A. D., 1977 , <br />conformable to Iaw and said decree, said Dean Boler jack Sheriff, did first expose to sale at public <br />auction, the rents and profits for a term not exceeding seven years of said estate of said defendants and each <br />of them, and receiving no bid therefor, then offered at public auction aforesaid, all the rights, title, and inter- <br />est in fee simple of the said defendants and each of them in and to said real estate and <br />City of South Bend <br />did then and there bid the sum of <br />Nine Hundred Ninety-two and 14/100ths ($992.14) <br />and no person bidding more, the same was in due form openly struck off and sold to the said <br />City of South Bend <br />for the said sum so bid, i t being the highest <br />bidder and that being the highest price bid for the same; and <br />Whereas, also on ttie 22nd clay of September A. D., 1977 , as required by law, <br />Dean Bolerjack then Sheriff as aforesaid, executed to said purchaser a certificate reciting <br />the foregoing facts and that said purchaser would be entitled to a deed of conveyance therefor, if no redemp- <br />tion from said sale be made as and within the time fixed by law; <br />A4AAf *MWA&xtRx XxQ:R>tA xxxxxx>t'xR�xxxxxxxxxxx)axe-x�axxxxxx�o-x�b@x- gAW4jM <br />RRR�R�R�xlaxcxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <br />xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxWkQxxxxxxAklk"BOV*Wcxxx#tkRWK§§:kRRR%V&�XR-R A*1{R,4Q QWAt. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, to confirm to said purchaser and assigns the sale so made as aforesaid, the under- <br />signed Dean Bol er jack , now Sheriff of said St. Joseph County, in consideration of the prem- <br />ises and the statute so providing, and of the non -redemption by said defendants, or any of them, or any other <br />person entitled so to do as provided by law, hath GRANTED, BARGAINED, and SOLD, and doth by these <br />presents, GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL, CONVEY, AND CONFIRM to the said <br />Ci ty of South Bend <br />heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, FOREVER, all the following real estate <br />situate in the County of St. Joseph and State of Indiana, to -wit: <br />Lot 74 as shown on the recorded Plat of West <br />End Subdivision in Section 10 Township 37 North <br />of Range 2 East in the City of South Bend, Indiana <br />more commonly known as 2505 W. Lawton. <br />TO RAVE AND TO I LOLD, all and singular, the premises aforesaid, with the privileges and appurtenances, <br />to the said grantee i is heirs, executors administrators successors and assi <br />as full and ample manner as the same was held by said defendants and all those claiming undo''Or Q.vh rugin. <br />them at the time of the accrual of the rights of the judgment creditor as mentioned in said decriae. ; <br />IN2MTNESS WHEREOF, The said undersigned, as Sheriff as /afor�saidy has hereunto set -hi& hand and <br />seal: -fhb day( rAd: y ar first above written. <br />STATE OF,INDIANA, ST. JOSEPH COUNTY, SS: Dean Bol er jack As Sheriff.; .•. (S L) <br />j: ,. _W;, Joseph Doran , Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for St. Joseph Couri'ty, Indiana, <br />Personally came Dean Bolerjack ,Sheriff of said St. Joseph County, and acknowledged <br />�t execution of the foregoing conveyance to be his act and deed as such Sheriff. <br />��&-.. IfNLSS �IEREOF, I hereunto subscribe my name and affix my official seal of office, this 2nd <br />�' OVP* ••'Ocfober A. D <br />SEAZ; .. 1978 <br />tom, <br />This instrument was prepared by Lora SpaulW. Joseph Doran (Clerk of'St. Joseph Circuit Court, <br />di on behalf of <br />Dean Boler jack, Sheriff, St. Joseph Counit�i;�iana <br />