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of all such documents are on file in the office of the City <br />Clerk for public inspection. <br />Section 3. The Loan Agreements and Security Agree- <br />ments shall be executed manually on behalf of the City by the <br />Mayor and City Clerk and sealed with the corporate seal of the <br />City. <br />Section 4. Said Bonds, payable solely and only from <br />the revenue derived from the STC Recycling, Inc. Project may be <br />issued in the maximum principal amount of One Million Three <br />Hundred Thousand and no /100 Dollars ($1,300,000.00) bearing <br />interest at a rate of ten percent (10 %) per annum for a period <br />not exceeding seven (7) years after the first installment of <br />principal due thereon, in accordance with the terms of said <br />Loan Agreement. Said Bonds shall be dated August 29, 1983 and <br />shall be executed and delivered on or about August 29, 1983 on <br />behalf of the City by the Mayor and City Clerk and shall be <br />sealed with the corporate seal of the City. Said Bonds shall <br />never constitute general obligations of, indebtedness of, or <br />charges against the general credit of the City. The Bonds <br />shall be issued in fully- registered form; shall be registrable <br />as provided therein; shall be payable in the medium and at the <br />place or places provided therein; and shall be subject to op- <br />tional and mandatory prepayment as provided therein. The Bonds <br />shall be issued as a Series A Bond in the principal amount of <br />One Million Seventy Thousand Seven Hundred Eighty-six Dollars <br />($1,070,786.00) and a Series B Bond in the principal amount of <br />-3- <br />