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through December 31, 2013 or it may terminate on the Termination Date, as described at <br />SECTION 6, below. If not terminated under SECTION 6, this Agreement shall <br />automatically renew on an annual basis. Notwithstanding the foregoing, this Agreement <br />is subject to appropriations of the Commission in accordance with Indiana Code § 36-7- <br />14 and Indiana Code § 6- 1.1 -18 -5. <br />SECTION 6. Termination and Default. <br />A. Termination. This Agreement shall terminate within twenty (20) days of a <br />party's receipt of a Default Notice (as defined below) from the other party if such default <br />or failure continues and remains uncured as described in Section 6(B) below through no <br />fault of the party initiating the termination (the "Termination Date "). <br />Upon termination of this Agreement for any reason, copies of all data, electronic <br />files, documents, procedures, reports, estimates, summaries other work papers, and any <br />other supporting documents, whether completed or in process, accumulated by the <br />Provider or prepared or provided by the Commission or the Provider relating to this <br />Agreement or the Requested Services shall be and remain the property of the <br />Commission and be delivered to the Commission upon request in a usable form within <br />sixty (60) days of the Termination Date of this Agreement. The Commission shall retain <br />or be granted by the Provider without restriction all title, ownership, or intellectual <br />property rights, including copyright, patent, trademark, and trade secret rights, in any data <br />gathered or generated by the Provider in performance of the Requested Services under <br />this Agreement. <br />B. Default. Any failure by either party to perform any term or provision of <br />this Agreement, which failure continues uncured for a period of Twenty (20) Days <br />following written notice of such failure from the other party (the "Default Notice "), <br />unless such period is extended by written mutual consent, shall constitute a default under <br />this Agreement. Any Default Notice given pursuant to the preceding sentence shall <br />specify the nature of the alleged failure and, where appropriate, the manner in which said <br />failure satisfactorily may be cured. If the nature of the alleged failure is such that it <br />cannot reasonably be cured within such 20 -Day period, then the commencement of the <br />cure within such time period, and the diligent prosecution to completion of the cure <br />thereafter, shall be deemed to be a cure within such 20 -Day period. If the default is <br />cured, then no default shall exist and the noticing party shall take no further action. <br />C. Misrepresentations. Notwithstanding any other provision of this <br />Agreement to the contrary, if a party intentionally, knowingly or recklessly makes a false <br />written representation materially related to the provision of the Requested Services or the <br />obligations of said party under this Agreement, the other party may terminate this <br />Agreement immediately upon delivery of a Default Notice. <br />5 <br />