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Provider. <br />Tares: All governmental assessments, franchise fees, excises, <br />license and permit fees, levies, charges and taxes, of every <br />kind and nature whatsoever, which at any time during the <br />Term may be assessed, levied, or imposed on, or become <br />due and payable out of or in respect of, (i) activities <br />conducted on behalf of the Commission. <br />SECTION 2. Retention and Acceptance of Provider, Schedule of <br />Services. <br />A. The Commission hereby retains the Provider to provide to the <br />Commission the Requested Services that are more specifically described at EXHIBIT <br />"A" attached hereto and incorporated herein. The Provider hereby accepts the <br />appointment to provide the Requested Services to the Commission and agrees to provide <br />the Requested Services under the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. <br />B. The Provider shall commence the Requested Services in accordance with <br />the terms and conditions of this Agreement including, but not limited to, the procedures <br />prescribed by Indiana Code § 36 -7 -14, et seq. The Provider hereby certifies that it has <br />sufficient experience and expertise to complete the Requested Services in a professional <br />and timely manner. <br />C. Should the Provider fail to complete the Requested Services in accordance <br />with the terms and conditions of this Agreement including, but not limited to, in <br />accordance with the Project Schedule, the Commission may withhold payments due the <br />Provider. <br />SECTION 3. Parties' Responsibilities. <br />A. Information and Communications. The Commission shall provide all <br />documents, maps, reports, and other data requested by the Provider necessary for the <br />Provider to accomplish the Requested Services. The Commission and the Provider agree <br />that the Commission shall be permitted to obtain at no additional cost and to retain any <br />and all documents prepared or caused to be prepared by the Provider in connection with <br />the services to be provided by the Provider and the Provider agrees to provide the <br />Commission with said documents upon request by the Commission. Said documents <br />may be used by the Commission or others with respect to the Commission's undertakings <br />with respect to the Projects. <br />B. Reports and Budgets. The Provider agrees to provide the Commission <br />with a report regarding the services performed, within sixty (60) days of the end of each <br />calendar quarter or upon the written request of the Contract Administrator. The report <br />3 <br />