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STAFF REPORT <br />RICHARD, SILVA, & BETTY EISENHOUR_ #835 -83 <br />520 W. Jefferson St., South Bend <br />June 10, 1983 <br />REQUESTED ACTION: The petitioners are requesting a zone change from <br />"D" Light Industrial, 'F" Height and Area to "B" <br />Residential, "F" Height and Area, so as to allow <br />the creation of a three unit apartment building. <br />EXISTING LAND USE: <br />The property contains a single family house. <br />SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING: Located to the north, east, and west are <br />offices zoned "D" Light Industrial, "F" <br />Height and Area, and to the south is a <br />single family house zoned "D" Light <br />Industrial, "F" Height and Area. <br />ACCESS: Access to the site is from Jefferson Street, <br />Taylor Street, and the adjoining alley. <br />DRAINAGE: The petitioner has not addressed the storm <br />drainage. <br />DATA: The total site is 5,692.5 square feet in <br />area. Of that, the buildings occupy 2,504.6 <br />square feet or 44% of the site, the parking <br />and drives would occupy 1369 square feet or <br />24% of the site, and 1818.9 square feet, or <br />32% of the site would be open space. <br />SITE PLAN: Two site plans have been submitted. Plan A <br />shows the existing driveway being utilized <br />for parking, and Plan B shows an additional <br />parking area. <br />AGENCY COMMENTS: The City Engineer has the following <br />comments: 1. Storm water must be retained <br />in drywells. 2. Plan B is the recommended <br />plan. <br />