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REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 14, 1999 <br />The College Football Hall of Fame will receive six hundred thousand dollars ($600,000.00) in <br />funding from the South Bend Tax Incremental Financing Fund. Mayor Luecke noted that TIF funds <br />will be utilized in the year 2000 and in the next year a tax levy, initiated by the Redevelopment <br />Commission, will be put in place to meet the Hall's obligations. <br />Auto excise taxes reflect a significant increase of five hundred eighty -five thousand two hundred <br />_ thirty -seven dollars ($585,237.00) for the General Fund. Payment in Lieu of Taxes, paid by Water <br />Works and Sewage Works, also reflect sizeable increases of three hundred six thousand six hundred <br />twenty -eight dollars ( $306,628) due to increased net book value of its property. Additionally, one <br />other major source of revenue new to the General Fund in 2000 is approximately five hundred <br />thousand dollars ($500,000.00) in fees collected by the Fire Department /EMS in connection with <br />contracts with Memorial Hospital for neo -natal services, St. Joseph Medical Center for critical care <br />transportation and the University of Notre Dame for miscellaneous services. <br />Salary increases in 2000 for personnel include a 6.0% increase for all Police Officers, 5.74% for <br />Firefighters, 3.5% for Teamsters and 3.5% for non - bargaining employees. Additionally the budget <br />reflects additional personnel for the Department of Code Enforcement, Street Department, Park <br />Department and two (2) new positions for the City's GIS system scheduled for 2000. <br />Also included in the budget are costs that will be incurred as a result of the opening of the Kennedy <br />Water Playground and the Leighton Plaza Garage. <br />In conclusion, Mayor Luecke stated that the budget reflects one hundred nineteen million dollars <br />($119,000,000.00) in basic City services with a one hundred and thirteen million dollars <br />(113,000,000.00) in revenue, with the difference being for the capital budget which will be submitted <br />in early 2000. <br />This being the time heretofore set for the Public Hearing on the above bills, proponents and <br />opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. <br />Ms. Joyce Boaler, 1606 Hillsdale Road, South Bend, Indiana, spoke in opposition to the above <br />referenced bills. She noted that she has no objections to any increases for the Police and Fire <br />Departments but is against additional funding for the College Football Hall of Fame and is <br />concerned that the Park Department is not yet Y2K compliant at the zoo. <br />Mr. Steven E. Bradley, 714 East Indiana, South Bend, Indiana, spoke against additional funding for <br />the College Football Hall of Fame until the National Football Foundation matches the City's <br />funding. <br />Mr. Jim Cierzniak, 1156 East Victoria, South Bend, Indiana, spoke against additional funding for <br />the College Football Hall of Fame and called for accountability by the individuals who previously <br />were involved with the funding of the Hall. <br />Mr. Thomas Zmyslo, 25669 Brick Road, South Bend, Indiana, stated that even though he does not <br />live in the City, he does have a business located in the City and he is against further funding for the <br />Hall of Fame. Mr. Zmyslo suggested that the Studebaker Museum could be relocated to the Hall of <br />Fame building. Mr. Zmyslo also stated that this money could be better spent on sewers, curbs and <br />streets. <br />In response to the comments made against the budget, Mayor Luecke stated that he appreciates the <br />comments and suggestions. He noted that the City has worked very hard to raise dollars outside of <br />tax dollars to finance the Hall of Fame. He further noted that the City does not have a specific dollar <br />contribution for the operating of the Hall from the NFF as they will be meeting in October. In the <br />past, the Hall of Fame budget was not presented to the Council until after the NFF conducted their <br />meeting in October. This year, however, the Hall of Fame budget has been included in the City's <br />budget at this time. <br />Council President Coleman stated that the Council will continue to deliberate and work with the <br />