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<br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS OF <br />THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, AS FOLLOWS: <br /> <br /> Section I. It is in the best interest of the City of South Bend and the area proposed to be <br />annexed that the real property described more particularly at Page 13 of Exhibit “A” attached <br />hereto be annexed to the City of South Bend. <br /> <br /> Section II. That it shall be and hereby is now declared and established that it is the policy <br />of the City of South Bend, by and through its Board of Public Works, to furnish to said territory <br />services of a non-capital nature, such as street and road maintenance, street sweeping, flushing, <br />and snow removal, within one (1) year of the effective date of the annexation in a manner <br />equivalent in standard and scope to services furnished by the City to other areas of the City <br />regardless of similar topography, patterns of land utilization, and population density; and to furnish <br />to said territory, services of a capital improvement nature such as street and road construction, a <br />street light system, a sanitary sewer system, a water distribution system, a storm water system and <br />drainage plan, within three (3) years of the effective date of the annexation in the same manner as <br />those services are provided to areas within the corporate boundaries of the City of South Bend <br />regardless of similar topography, patterns of land use, or population density. <br /> <br /> Section III. That the Board of Public Works shall and does hereby now establish and adopt <br />the Fiscal Plan, attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit “A”, and made a part hereof, <br />for the furnishing of said services to the territory to be annexed, which provides, among other <br />things, that the public sanitary sewer and water network is available with capacity sufficient to <br />service this area with costs for extensions, any improvements in sewer or water capacity, and a <br />City-approved drainage system to be paid for by the developer, all in compliance with state and <br />local law; that no additional street lighting will be necessary and any future lighting especially of <br />a decorative nature or with underground wiring will be at the developer/owner’s expense; and that <br />no new public streets will be required. <br /> <br />Section IV. To the extent required by the City, sidewalks should be provided by the <br />owner/developer along public streets and must comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act <br />(ADA) under the PROWAG standards. <br /> <br />Section V. It is required as a condition of annexation that any future alterations to the <br />property meet the City of South Bend’s building and zoning requirements. <br />