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(c) The electric utility shall submit to the Department a <br />daily report of the address of each service location where the <br />utility's customer has requested a final billing of the account. <br />Section 6 -20. Liability for Damages. <br />Nothing in this Chapter shall be construed to relieve from <br />or lessen the responsibility or liability of any party owning, <br />operating, controlling, or installing any electrical service or <br />equipment for damages to person or property caused by any defect <br />therefrom. Nothing in this Chapter shall be construed to have the <br />City assume any such liability by reason of examination authorized <br />under this Chapter or by the license and certificate issued pursuant <br />to this Chapter. <br />Section 6 -21. Electrical Inspector. <br />(a) The director of the Department shall appoint an <br />electrical inspector, who shall have at least ten (10) years <br />experience in installation, alteration, repair or inspection of <br />electrical wiring and equipment for electric light, heat and power in <br />or on buildings or premises or shall have had five (5) years of such <br />experience and be a graduate of a recognized engineering college or <br />university. In addition, the inspector shall have a thorough know- <br />ledge of the Indiana Electrical Rules and of approved materials and <br />methods of electrical construction necessary for safety to persons <br />and property. <br />(b) Authority to discontinue use. Upon finding that any <br />electrical equipment is dangerous to persons or property because it is <br />defective or defectively installed, the electrical inspector has the <br />authority to order in writing the person responsible for the <br />electrical equipment to make changes or repairs necessary to place the <br />equipment in safe condition in compliance with this Chapter. If the <br />person responsible does not comply with the order within seventy -two <br />(72) hours from service of the order, the electrical inspector shall <br />have the authority to disconnect or order the discontinuance of <br />electrical service to such electrical equipment. <br />(c) Authority to disconnect electrical equipment. Upon the <br />approval of the Building Commissioner, the electrical inspector has <br />the authority to disconnect or cause the disconnection of any <br />electrical equipment immediately upon his determination that such <br />immediate disconnection is necessary for safety to persons or <br />property. <br />Section 6 -22. Electrical Examining Board. <br />(a) An Electrical Examining Board (referred to in this <br />Article as the Board) shall examine applicants for licenses under this <br />Article, issue certificates therefor to qualified applicants who have <br />paid the prescribed fees and who have passed the examination <br />hereinafter required, and revoke or suspend any license after just <br />cause shown before such Board. <br />(b) The Board shall consist of five (5) members to be <br />appointed by the Mayor, as follows: two (2) Class A electrical <br />contractors, one (1) electrical engineer registered in the State of <br />Indiana, one (1) electrical construction journeyman, and the City <br />electrical inspector. Members shall serve for a term of four (4) <br />years, and shall hold office at the pleasure of the Mayor. Each <br />member shall receive Ten ($10.00) Dollars for each meeting of the <br />Board he attends, except for the electrical inspector, who shall serve <br />without pay. <br />(c) On the first Monday in March and on the first Monday in <br />August the Board or its designee shall examine applicants for <br />licenses, provided that any such appliations are pending. The Board <br />may also meet at the call of the chairman of the Board, and provide <br />for examinations at other times. <br />- 11 - <br />