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MMANBEOI-I123 <br />POWER OF ATTORNEY <br />SIRIUSPOINT AMERICA INSURANCE COMPANY <br />NEWYORK <br />KNO\\' Al,l, l\lDN By THESE PRESENTS: That SirirsPoinl America lnsurance Conrpany, a New York corporation, having its principal oflice in <br />lhe City ofNew York, pursuant to lhe tbllorving Resolution, rvhich rvas adopled by the Board ofDireclors oflhe Conrpany, lo Nil: <br />RESOI,\'ED, (hal lhc Presidenr, ScniorVice Presidcnt, ChielFinancinl O{licer, Secrelary or Assistanl Secreiary is hereby authorized lo execu(e Porvers <br />ofAflomey appointing as allomeys-in-fact selecled enrployees of ceilain surety companies rvho shall have the porver for and on behalf oflhe Company lo execille <br />and affix lhe seal oflhe Company lo surely contracts as co-surely. <br />Does hereby nominate, constilute and appoinl: <br />Christophcr K. Hovdcn, Angelica M. Lopcz <br />Ils true and lawfrrl atlorney-in-fact, to nrake, execute, seal and deliver lbr and on i{s behalf, and as its acl anddeed; any and all bonds, contracts, agreenrents <br />ofindemnity, and olher underlakings in suretyship (NOT INCLUDINC bonds Nilhoul a fixed penalty or financial gtaranlee boilds) and to bind th€Conrpany lhereby <br />as fully and to the sanre exlenl as ifsame werc signed by the duly atxhorized olficers of lhe Company, provided, horveveq that tlre penal sum of any one such <br />inslrunrent execrted hereunder shall nol €xceed the srnr of <br />550,000,000 single bond Iinrir <br />All acts of said pursuant to lhe aulhorities herein given are hereby ralified and confirnred. The execulive officeE listed above in the <br />Rcsolulion nray lionr time to liDre and al any lime renrove any such appoinlee ard revoke the power given lo hinr or her. <br />The execulion of such bonds or [nderlakings in pursuance of these presenls, silhin one ]rcar ofthe date of issue of these presenls, shall be trinding upon <br />at ils office in New York, Nerv Yotk, in their orvnproper Jvsons. <br />IN \YITNESS \YHEREOF, SiriusPoint Anrerica lnsurance Cornpany has caused ils corporale s€al to be h€reunto affixed, and lhese presents lo [re <br />signed by ils Secr€tary this I ?lh day ofAugusl ir lhe year 2023. <br />SiriusPoint Arncrica Company <br />Mcliss <br />Sccrclary <br />Slare ofNcw Jersey l <br />) ... <br />Counry ofMonmoulh ) <br />On this I 7'h day of August 2023, belbre nre, a Notary Public of lhe Slate of Nerv Jersey in and lor the County of Monmoilh duly conrnrissioned <br />and who excuted the preceding inslrumenl, and ackno$4edged the execution of lhe saDe, and, being by me duly sNonl, deFoselh and sailh, thal she is lhe <br />officer oflhe Conpany aforesaid, and lhat lhe seal affxed lo lhe preceding inslnrmenl as lhc corpo.ale seal of said Company, and lhe said corporate seal and her <br />signature as officer lvere duly aflixed and subscribed to lhe said instrnrenl by the authorily and direction of lhe said Conrpany, relcrred to in the precediilg <br />inslrunrenl, is noN in lbrce- <br />IN TESTIirtb)lY \YHEREOF, I have heretrnlo set nry hand and affixed nry oflicial seal. <br />Ilv: <br />TNAEJA E <br />NOTARY PUBLIC <br />STATE OF NEW JERSEY <br />uv couuisbloN rxplRES MARCH 31' 2028 <br />coMMlsslot{: f 5020854 1 <br />expires <br />l.lscl- ar. '5zt <br />Slate ofNerv Jersey <br />County of Monmornh <br />l, Melissa J. Ralph, Secretary, ofSiriusPoirt America lnsurance Conrpany, a New York corporation, do heieby cerlify lhat lhe above and lbregoing is a <br />full, ttuc correct copy ofPo\eerofAltonrey, is still in force and effect and has nol been revoked. <br />fN\vltNllSS\\'Hl!Rf,On,Ihaveher€untosetnryhandandaffixcdthcscalofsaidConrpanythis 9th aayof, JUly, 2024 <br />J, <br />1979 <br />*