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REGULAR MEETING <br />NOVEMBER 27, 2000 <br />This being the time heretofore set for the Public Hearing on the above bill, proponents and <br />opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. <br />There being no one present wishing to speak to the Council either in favor of or in opposition to this <br />bill, Councilmeinber Kelly made a motion for favorable recommendation to full Council concerning <br />this bill. Councilmember Varner seconded the motion which carried by a voice vote of eight (8) <br />ayes. <br />BILL NO. 115 -00 PUBLIC HEARING, ON A BILL APPROPRIATING <br />$35,382 FROM THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT <br />STATE GRANT FUND FOR THE PURPOSE OF <br />ASSISTING IN THE SUPPORT OF THE DIVISION OF <br />ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT'S AREA <br />REVITALIZATION EFFORT <br />Councilmember Kelly reported that the Community and Economic Development Committee met <br />on this bill and recommends this bill to the Council favorably. <br />Mr. Andy Laurent, Economic Development Specialist, Economic Development Division, 12 "'Floor, <br />County -City Building, South Bend,- Indiana,'made the presentation for this bill. <br />Mr. Laurent indicated at this bill will award grant funds received through the Indiana Development <br />Finance Authority's Brownfields Site Assessment Grant Program to conduct site assessment work <br />at the property at 1408- Elwood Avenue in the Omniplex facility also known as the old Drewery's <br />Brewery. This will fund sampling and testing work but not remedation. <br />This being the time heretofore set for the Public Hearing on the above bill, proponents and <br />opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. <br />There being no one present wishing to speak to the Council either in favor of or in opposition to this <br />bill, Councilmeznber Kelly made a motion for favorable recommendation to full Council concerning <br />this bill. Councilinember Varner seconded the motion which carried by a voice vote of eight (8) <br />ayes. <br />BILL NO. 116 -00 <br />PUBLIC HEARING' ON A BILL APPROPRIATING <br />- $127,000 RECEIVED FROM THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF <br />HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT'S <br />EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT PROGRAM <br />Councilmember Kelly reported that the Community' and Economic Development Committee met <br />on this bill and recommends this bill to the Council favorably. <br />Ms. Elizabeth Leonard, Director, Financial and Program Management, Community &Economic <br />Development,1200'County -City Building, South Bend, Indiana, made the presentation for this bill. <br />Ms. Leonard notetlthat this -bill is a compliment to the Community Development Block Grant bills <br />that were on the agenda today and is also part of a thirty (30) day public comment period. She <br />further noted that these funds are specifically for emergency shelter type programs. <br />This being the time heretofore set for the Public Hearing on the above bill, proponents and <br />opponents were given ail opportunity to be heard. <br />There being no one present wishing to speak to the Council either in favor of or in opposition to this <br />bill, Councilnember Kelly made a motion for favorable recommendation to full Council concerning <br />this bill. Councilmember Coleman seconded the motion which carried by a voice vote of eight (8) <br />ayes. <br />