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REGULAR MEETING <br />OCTOBER 9.2000 <br />would save lives. Lastly, Mr. Timm asked why Memorial Hospital was in such a hurry and <br />suggested that the Council table this petition for two (2) year's. The residents believe there is some <br />very reasonable doubt about the safety of the helicopter and especially about the proposed location. <br />Ms. Allyson Hinds, 621 Lafayette Boulevard, South Bend, Indiana, told the Council she and her <br />husband bought their house because of its location close to downtown and invested substantially in <br />its renovation. She stated that they did not buy their house with an airport across the street and they <br />don't want to live in one. The house was listed for sale and only one (1) person has shown interest <br />during the past two (2) months. She asked how the hospital could consider putting a airport one <br />hundred twelve (112) feet from her nursery. The helicopter service is a beautiful idea but she <br />doesn't want to have to pay for it daily by being forced to compromise her pocketbook and quality <br />of living in the process. <br />Ms. Shannon Brewster, 930 Riverside Drive, South Bend, Indiana, informed the Council that she <br />and her husband moved to this location two (2) year's ago and chose to live in this historic district. <br />The people of the neighborhood are not evil and cold hearted and they are all for lives being saved. <br />She has never once heard a neighbor complain about the ambulances that drive down Riverside. But <br />the helicopter is entirely different. It will disrupt peoples lives in the neighborhood and they are <br />being forced out. She stated that this decision has been rushed and it has not included the <br />neighborhood. More time needs to be spent on this and there has to be more options available. She <br />asked1hat the Council to consider all sides fairly and justly. <br />Ms. Marialyce Riedle, 816 Park Avenue, South Bend, Indiana, noted that she has lived in the <br />neighborhood for forty =one (41) years and it is the job of the Council to protect her neighborhood. <br />Their area is already threatened by noise from the ambulance sirens and high powered machinery <br />at Memorial Hospital and the South Bend Medical Foundation. A helicopter landing on Lafayette <br />Street with the danger to the lives of the people in the fifteen (15) residences in that block will <br />further damage the quality of life in the surrounding neighborhood. She stated that the helipad can <br />be placed in another location and asked the Council to riot let her neighborhood down. She <br />respectfully requested that the Council find against the petition of Memorial Hospital. <br />Ms. Mary Euler, 521 North Lafayette Boulevard, South Bend, Indiana, informed the Council that <br />she is probably one of the closest residents that will be affected by this helipad. Ms. Euler stated that <br />she is a business consultant and she explained business planning procedures. She noted that the <br />program and the need for the program is not in question. Only placement of the helistop is in <br />question. She rioted that Memorial Hospital has possibly been planning their long range plans as far <br />back as 1989 and they should have considered whether enough land was available at their current <br />site for future expansion. She explained how this type of program works in the Chicago area and <br />knows that there are other alternatives. <br />Mr. Charles Leone, 1055 Riverside Drive, South Bend, Indiana, President of the Near Northwest <br />Neighborhood Association, stated that the neighbors have expressed many of the concerns which <br />he has heard as President of the Neighborhood Association. Individuals do not oppose the concept <br />of air ambulance service at the hospital but their concern is the location, the noise and the process <br />by which they have gotten here tonight. Mr. Leone explained that this proposed use is in the zoning <br />code as an airport and is among the most intense uses in the ordnance. He noted that whenever there <br />is a break from one district to another it is not unusual to have some kind of screening or buffer that <br />would protect one use from another. In this situation there is nothing in the ordinance that advises <br />what kinds of things should be done to protect the residential area from a very intense use. Mr. <br />Leone stated that the petitioner has not really addressed the noise issue because in fact it is going to <br />be louder than a lawnmower or a city bus. On behalf of the neighborhood organization, he asked <br />that this matter be continued until the residents have an dpportunity 'to look at how they can best <br />buffer or limit the effect of this helistop on the immediate neighborhood. Mr. Leone stated that this <br />helicopter service is primarily for the benefit of those who live in the outlying areas of the county <br />and for those in surrounding counties. The benefit is regional but the cost is local. Those who live <br />in the City will call an ambulance. On behalf of the Near Northwest he asked that the Council <br />continue this matter until representatives from the hospital and neighborhood can discuss these <br />issues and reach a plan that works for Memorial and for the neighborhood. <br />n <br />1 <br />