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REGULAR MEETING <br />OCTOBER 9,200 <br />someone present this evening is going to have trauma and they will be glad that Memorial Hospital <br />got the helicopter. <br />Mr. Mark Catanzarite,1322 East LaSalle Avenue, South Bend, Indiana, stated that he is a firefighter <br />and a paramedic and has been part of the Emergency Medical Services system in this community <br />for over twenty (20) years. He stated that because of his career he knows first hand of individuals <br />who could have used helicopter transport service. Mr. Catanzarite stated that he can sympathize with <br />the residents of Park Avenue but this service will not be operating twenty -four (24) hours a day <br />seven (7) days a week. This is a lifesaving service and he urged the Council to carefully deliberate <br />tonight. As a paramedic and a firefighter this service is something they have been looking for in this <br />community for many years. <br />The following individuals spoke in opposition to this Resolution: <br />Mr. Colin Hodson, 807 Ashland Avenue, South Bend, Indiana, stated that he wanted to review the <br />proposed site for the helicopter. Mr. Hodson stated that the criteria the hospital listed were safety, <br />access to the patients, helicopter time, proximity to the trauma center, elevator access, FAA flight <br />paths and structural loading. The sites that the hospital said they could not use were the Bartlett <br />Street garage and the ground sites. He noted that the hospital stated that in regards to the 73 <br />Building patient tower there were too many things that would have to be removed and the building <br />would have to be re- enforced and that the elevators were not big enough. He stated that if the <br />hospital is going to trade -off the safety of the people in the neighborhood for the location maybe it <br />would make sense to come up with a compromise and take the obstacles off the roof and make the <br />elevators bigger so that the people in the neighborhood could stay there. He stated that he did not <br />think it was unreasonable to ask Memorial to make some kind of concession. He further stated that <br />the hospital stated that they do have alternatives. The one alternative, the Centennial Building, could <br />be modified but would disrupt the doctors that are in that building. Mr- * Hodson stated that as a <br />resident of the area his life will be disrupted day in and day out and not just for nine (9) months. <br />He noted that the hospital stated they had a problem with transporting patients thru the hospital past <br />other patients and visitors when in fact it is possible to designate and dedicate passageways <br />specifically for these trauma patients. However, the hospital has chosen not to do that. He also <br />noted that he found it unusual that the hospital built a garage with elevators big enough to <br />accommodate a trauma patient. Mr. Hodson also spoke about the flight paths and what the hospital <br />indicated as primary and secondary paths. The most likely path the hospital will use is the one that <br />goes right by Madison School. He noted that the residents of the area are not opposed to helicopter <br />service but does have a problem with the location. The residents would like to have known about <br />the hospital's plans in advance so these concerns could be worked out before this time. Memorial <br />Hospital has chosen the most convenient spot for Memorial without any regard to the convenience, <br />lives and peace and safety of the neighborhood. The location they have chosen poses a threat to the <br />lives of the people in the flight path and especially those close to the landing area. He stated that the <br />helicopter pad is going to be a blight on this neighborhood and the Council can expect to see the <br />neighborhood collapse. He stated that he has a lot of information about noise which he does not <br />have adequate time to present which he will present in written form. He concluded by stating that <br />he wants to go on record as saying that the residents have not been given enough time to present the <br />information that they have prepared and he feels like the Council will not get the entire picture <br />because they are not being allowed time to get that information across. <br />Mr. Tim Scott, 711 Forest Avenue, South Bend, Indiana, submitted to the Council an FAA report <br />and accident reports concerning EMS helicopters. He stated that he is in support of the hospital <br />providing air ambulance service but from a safety concern he feels the location of the airport one <br />hundred (100) feet from houses on Lafayette compromises the safety and quality of life for the <br />neighborhood and citizens of the community. A safer location needs to be considered and approval <br />of this request gives a dated aircraft permission to land in their neighborhood. Mr. Scott gave <br />statistics about the Bell 222A and informed the Council that he asked that Air Angels provide air <br />records of their aircraft in South Bend and that their records be opened to the public. He inquired <br />why Air Angels was selected and asked the Council to deny this request. <br />Ms. Veronica Towne, 328 West Marion Street, South Bend, Indiana, stated that she has lived in her <br />house which was built in 1872, for the past ten (10) years. She noted that she was fully aware of <br />1 <br />1 <br />