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REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 14, 2000 <br />Mr. Leon Townsend, 525 North Hill Street, South Bend, Indiana, informed the Council that he feels <br />the South Bend curfew ordinance is more restrictive than other cities. He noted that the county and <br />other surrounding cities have different laws. <br />- In rebuttal, Mr. Broden stated that he is not familiar with the County ordinance nor with the City of <br />Mishawaka. He reiterated that the City ordinance is modeled after the state statute which allows <br />individuals ages sixteen (16), seventeen (17) and eighteen (18), to be out until 11:00 p.m. on week <br />days and 1:00 a.m. on weekends, and individuals fifteen (15) and under to be out no later than 11:00 <br />p.m. on week days and weekends. He noted that he is unaware if the County and Mishawaka have <br />followed the model but felt that the City of South Bend ordinance was reasonable. <br />There was no one else present wishing to speak to the Council in opposition to this bill. <br />In response to Councilmember King's inquiry regarding the background of the model legislation, <br />Mr. Broden explained that it is part of the juvenile Indiana Code and was to be used as a model or <br />guide. South Bend, like many other cities, followed the model and enacted legislation similar to <br />that. <br />Councilmember Varner noted that he will be supporting this bill and in regards to other cities having <br />different laws as mentioned by Mr. Townsend, he would encourage them to bring their ordinances <br />into line with the state model because it makes no sense to make the ordinance more loose. <br />Therefore, Councilmember King made a motion for favorable recommendation to full Council <br />concerning this bill as substituted. Councilmember Coleman seconded the motion which carried by <br />a voice vote of eight (8) ayes. <br />BILL NO. 62-00 A BILL OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH <br />BEND, INDIANA, AMENDING CHAPTER 6 OF THE SOUTH <br />BEND MUNICIPAL CODE ENTITLED BUILDING <br />Councilmember Aranowski reported that the Personnel & Finance Committee met on this bill and <br />sends it to the Council with a favorable recommendation. <br />Mr. Donald F. Fozo, Building Commissioner, Building Department, 205 West Jefferson Boulevard, <br />Suite 100, South Bend, Indiana, made the presentation for this bill. <br />Mr. Fozo stated that this bill updates the fee ordinance and building permit fees in the County and <br />City. A similar bill is before the County Council as well. He reminded members of the Council that <br />the two (2) departments merged in 1992 and in 1994 they became an enterprise fund operating off <br />of their revenues. The fees were monitored and they continued to have a reserve until this year. <br />Therefore, it was determined that they had to look at increasing permit fees. <br />Mr. Fozo noted that the bill submitted today is for an increase of building permits of which there <br />are two (2) different types. One is new construction of buildings, additions, residential or <br />commercial which currently is based on five cents ($.05) a square foot. The new rate will be at six <br />cents ($.06) a square foot. The other increase is based on valuation which involves reproofs and <br />major remodeling. That is based on valuation which starts at five dollars ($5.00) per thousand and <br />as it goes higher it breaks down to four dollars ($4.00) per thousand and then down to three dollars <br />($3.00) per thousand. There will also bean increase for demolition permits and sign permits which <br />are flat fees. The demolition fee is based on the number of stories and the square footage of the <br />building and the sign permit is based on the square footage of the sign. A change is also proposed <br />in the wording of the testing for licensing for electrical and mechanical contractors. The tests were <br />given twice a year. However, since that time the City has become one of six test sites and this <br />allows a contractor various times of the years to take tests rather than the two (2) times that was <br />being offered by ordinance. The last change is the registration of sign contractors. Currently every <br />contractor doing work either has to be licensed or registered. However, the sign companies were <br />not originally included in that registration requirement. This registration will have a seventy -five <br />