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REGULAR MEETING <br />JULY 24, 2000 <br />BILL NO. 54 -00 PUBLIC HEARING ON A BILL TO VACATE THE <br />FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: THE ALLEY TO <br />BE VACATED IS THE FIRST NORTH/SOUTH ALLEY <br />WEST OF NOTRE DAME AVE. FROM THE SOUTH <br />RIGHT -OF -WAY OF SOUTH BEND AVE. TO THE <br />NORTH RIGHT -OF -WAY OF ALMOND COURT FOR A <br />DISTANCE OF APPROXIMATELY 233.3 FEET AND <br />WIDTH OF 12 FEET. PART LOCATED IN THE <br />BUGBEE' S ADD., SOUTH BEND, ST JOSEPH COUNTY, <br />INDIANA <br />Councilmember Varner reported that the Public Works and Property Vacation Committee met on <br />this bill and sends it to the Council with a favorable recommendation. Councilmember Varner also <br />noted that the Board of Public Works has given this request a favorable recommendation subject to <br />an agreement being recorded which allows access. <br />Council Attorney Kathleen Cekanski- Farrand read into the record the following amendment: <br />Section V. Add to current language in Section V.: <br />, and it shall be subject to the Petitioner recording an Easement Agreement <br />providing for cross access arrangements for the owners of Lots 16 and "A ". <br />Councilmember Coleman made a motion to accept this amendment. Councilmember King seconded <br />the motion which carried by a voice vote of nine (9) ayes. <br />Mr. Shane A. Sult, 1846 Winston Drive, South Bend, Indiana, made the presentation for this bill on <br />behalf of the Petitioner, Mr. Archie J. Bradford, Olivet African Methodist Church, 719 North Notre <br />Dame Avenue, South Bend, Indiana. <br />Mr. Sult informed the Council that he was able to talk with Mr. Ed Wray who is the owner of Lot <br /># 16 who is currently renting that house to his family. He noted that they came to an agreement and <br />they will take the necessary steps to draw up an Easement Agreement which will be recorded. <br />Mr. Sult further informed the Council that the purpose of the vacation is in order for the church to <br />create a paved parking lot on Lot #17 and a portion of the vacated alley. <br />Councilmember Uj dak reminded Mr. Sult that this Easement Agreement needs to be recorded within <br />the next thirty (30) days. <br />This being the time heretofore set for the Public Hearing on the above bill, proponents and <br />opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. <br />There was no one present wishing to speak in favor of this vacation. <br />Ms. Clara Thibeau, 735 Notre Dame Avenue, South Bend, Indiana, spoke against the vacation. Ms. <br />Thibeau indicated that she needs access to the alley. She noted that she does not have a garage but <br />when she has overnight guests they need to use the parking space behind her property as there is <br />much vandalism in the front of her property. She noted that she is opposed and does not want to <br />have to put her trash in the front for pick -up. <br />There was no one else wishing to speak to the Council in opposition to this vacation petition. <br />In rebuttal, Mr. Sult informed Ms. Thibeau that he understands what she is asking for and assured <br />her that access to the property in the rear of her house would not be blocked and the church is not <br />trying to put any hardship on the surrounding properties. <br />