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REGULAR MEETING JULY 24, 2000 <br />financing of the Hall. The NFF will take full responsibility for the operation of the Hall. Certain <br />revenues will continue to go to operations. Eventually the Professional Sports Development dollars <br />will go into a sinking fund or an endowment fund for major repairs and improvements to the Hall. <br />One week ago the Redevelopment Authority passed a Resolution indicating their intention to issue <br />_ new bonds to pay off the initial bonds for the Hall. Just this past Friday, the Redevelopment <br />Commission passed a Resolution indicating the need to levy taxes to pay for the obligation under <br />the Lease Purchase Agreement with the Redevelopment Authority. Mayor Luecke stated that he is <br />asking the Council at this time to pass a Resolution that acknowledges the action taken by the <br />Redevelopment Committee and also agrees to take the action necessary to include this tax levy in <br />the upcoming budget. Should this Resolution not be adopted, the City still has to pay the debt on <br />the Hall. It has been paid out of the general fund and tax incremental financing dollars. If the <br />Council passes this Resolution and includes the tax levy in the budget that action does not preclude <br />the City from continuing to look for other sources of funding to pay for the financing of the Hall. <br />It is projected that the new bonds will cost $1.5 million dollars a year in annual payments until the <br />year 2017. The tax rate will increase approximately twenty five cents ($.25) per one thousand <br />dollars ($1,000.00) of valuation. The impact on the average residential parcel is somewhere between <br />fifteen dollars ($15.00) and twenty -four ($24.00) dollars. Mayor Luecke noted that if you are <br />currently paying one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) a year in property taxes then those taxes will go <br />up thirteen dollars ($13.00) next year. He further noted that if you are paying two thousand dollars <br />($2,000.00) then your taxes will go up twenty -six dollars ($26.00) and so on.. <br />In conclusion, Mayor Luecke noted that it is important to move forward at this time as the City owns <br />the Hall of Fame and has a responsibility to pay for it and this plan meets those obligations. <br />A Public Hearing was held on the Resolution at this time. <br />The following individual spoke in favor of this Resolution: <br />Mr. Jeff Young, 1351 East South Street, South Bend, Indiana, spoke in favor of this Resolution. He <br />stated that the City needs to look at the economic impact it makes on the community, for the hotels, <br />Century Center and the downtown retailer. He further stated that the Hall is an anchor for the <br />continued revitalization of the downtown. <br />The following nine (9) individuals spoke in opposition to the Resolution: <br />Mr. Jim Cierzniak, 1156 East Victoria, South Bend, Indiana, submitted to the Council a three (3) <br />page written statement which he read which states his objections to this Resolution and funding for <br />the Hall of Fame. <br />Ms. Joyce Boaler, 1606 Hillsdale Road, South Bend, Indiana, informed the Council that she said <br />at the beginning that the Hall would fail and it has failed miserably. She noted that the building <br />could be used for other purposes. <br />Mr. Steve Davidovic,1004 Lincolnway West, South Bend, Indiana, owner of Stevie D's Barber and <br />Beauty Concepts, informed the Council that he is a small business owner and if someone ran his <br />business the way the Hall is being run he would be out of business. He noted that the Hall is an <br />anchor around the necks of the citizens of South Bend and he believes other methods should be <br />found to fund the Hall. <br />Mr. Steve Bradley, 714 East Indiana, South Bend, Indiana, commended the Council for some of the <br />things they have done this year but stated that he cannot commend the idea of forcing the people <br />of South Bend to take hold of something they were promised they would never have to be <br />shouldered with and that is the Hall of Fame. <br />Mr. William Soderberg, 1515 East Wayne Street, South Bend, Indiana, indicated that people have <br />the right to feel betrayed because promises were made that were not correct. He stated that the <br />