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REGULAR MEETING <br />APRIL 10, 2000 <br />2. The use and value of the area adjacent to the property included in the special <br />exception will not be affected in a substantially adverse manner; <br />3. The need for the special exception arises from specific conditions peculiar to the <br />property involved; <br />4. The strict application of the terms of the Zoning Ordinance will constitute an <br />unnecessary hardship if applied to the property for which this special exception is <br />sought; and <br />The approval does not interfere substantially with the Comprehensive Plan adopted <br />by the City of South Bend. <br />SECTION IV. Approval is subject to the Petitioner complying with the reasonable <br />conditions established by the Board of Zoning Appeals which are on file in the office of the City <br />Clerk. <br />SECTION V. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adopted by <br />the Common Council and approval by the Mayor. <br />s /Charlotte Pfeifer <br />Member of the Common Council <br />Councilmember Ujdak reported that the Zoning & Annexation Committee met on this bill and sends <br />it to the Council with a favorable recommendation. <br />Ms. Catherine M. Brucker, Assistant Zoning Administrator, Building Department, 205 West <br />Jefferson Boulevard, Suite 100, South Bend, Indiana, made the presentation for the Board of Zoning <br />Appeals. <br />Ms. Brucker informed the Council that this is an existing building and allowing it to be occupied <br />with a retail building and residential unit will actually enhance the public health and safety by <br />providing security. Ms. Brucker also noted that inhabiting the building which has sat vacant for <br />numerous years with a retail/residential use will improve the property values to the surrounding <br />neighborhood. Not allowing the use would actually prevent development and improvement of the <br />area. In conclusion, Ms. Brucker noted that the Board of Zoning Appeals, at their meeting held on <br />March 16, 2000, sends this petition to the Council with a favorable recommendation. <br />Mr. Jack S. Hartsell, 61760 66t" Avenue, Hartford, Michigan, made the presentation for this <br />Resolution. <br />Mr. Hartsell indicated that he is one (1) of the owners of the former State Bank building. He stated <br />that it is his belief that living in the building will add more security. The downstairs will be used <br />as an antique business which is open to the public by appointment only. <br />A Public Hearing was held on the Resolution at this time. <br />Mr. J. Edward Talley, Director, Historic Preservation Commission, 227 West Jefferson Boulevard, <br />Room 1123, South Bend, Indiana, informed the Council that this is an excellent re -use of a building <br />that has recently been declared an historic landmark and the continued use of this building is saving <br />the history of the community. <br />There was no one else present wishing to speak in favor of this bill and no one was present wishing <br />to speak in opposition to this bill. <br />Therefore, Councilmember Coleman made a motion to adopt this Resolution. Councilmember <br />Varner seconded the motion which carried and the Resolution was adopted by a roll call vote of nine <br />(9) ayes. <br />