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REGULAR MEETING <br />UNFINISHED BUSINESS: <br />MARCH 13, 2000 <br />REQUEST FOR CITIZEN MEMBERS FOR COUNCIL STANDING COMMITTEES <br />President Pfeifer noted that the Council still does not have sufficient citizen member <br />participation on the nine (9) standing committees of the Council. She urged anyone who was <br />interested to call any of the Council members or the City Clerk's office. <br />COUNCIL E -MAIL ADDRESSES NOW ON THE CITY'S WEB PAGE <br />President Pfeifer informed the public that the Councilmembers individual e-mail addresses <br />are now listed on the City's web page. She noted that individuals who do not have a <br />personal computer at home can use the computer at the St. Joseph County Public Library to <br />send e-mail messages to the Council and the Councilmember will respond in writing to the <br />individuals home. <br />CHRISTMAS IN APRIL - DATE SET <br />Councilmember Ujdak advised that there will be a press conference on Friday, March 17'h <br />to announce that Christmas In April will be held on April 150, in the near northeast <br />neighborhood. Councilmember Uj dak asked anyone interested in volunteering for this event <br />to please give him a call. <br />REQUEST FOR REVIEW OF INTERSECTION OF JOHNSON & O'BRIEN <br />Councilmember White asked that the City look at the intersection of Johnson and O'Brien <br />Streets to see if a four (4) way stop should be put there in place of the current two (2) way <br />stop. She noted that this is the location of a recent fatal accident. <br />NEED TO ADDRESS CRITICAL ISSUES IN THIS COMMUNITY <br />Councilmember White inquired whether the Public Works and Property Vacation Committee <br />and the Health and Public Safety Committee could begin to look at the legal issues of this <br />community with respect to another unfortunate incident. She sited the recent homicide on <br />Dayton Street and stated that the City needs to address this critical issue in the community. <br />President Pfeifer encouraged neighborhoods to come together at this time. <br />CITY ON DISPLAY - APRIL 6-7,2000 <br />President Pfeifer advised that the annual "City on Display" will take place on April 6 -7, 2000 <br />at Scottsdale Mall. She noted that Common Council members will be present to meet people <br />and inform them about the City. <br />NEW BUSINESS <br />There was no new business to come before the Council at this time. <br />PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR <br />There was no one present wishing to address the Council at this time. <br />ADJOURNMENT <br />There being no further business to come before the Council, Councilmember Coleman made a <br />motion to adjourn. Councilmember Varner seconded the motion which carried by a voice vote of <br />nine (9) ayes and the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m. <br />ATTEST: <br />r 'A'�k 14, <br />Lo etta J. P44, City Clerk <br />ATTEST: <br />Charlotte Pfeifer, Presi n <br />