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REGULAR MEETING <br />UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br />FEBRUARY 28, 2000 <br />1. REPORT FROM AREA PLAN COMMISSION <br />Councilmember Coleman made a motion to refer the following bill to the Zoning <br />and Annexation Committee and set it for Public Hearing on March 13, 2000. <br />Councilmember Varner seconded the motion which carried by a voice vote of nine <br />(9) ayes: <br />BILL NO. 5-00 A BILL AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE <br />FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1601 KEMBLE <br />STREET, IN THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, <br />INDIANA <br />2. QUESTION REGARDING BILL NO. 20-00 - AMEND CODE - LICENSING FEES <br />Councilmember Varner noted that as mentioned at the committee meeting this <br />afternoon, the tattoo and body piercing fees were not listed in Bill No. 20 -00 and he <br />wondered if the City was enforcing this ordinance and why there were no fees listed. <br />Councilmember Aranowski informed Councilmember Varner that he and <br />Councilmember Ujdak will be following up on this matter and they will report back <br />to the Council. <br />3. CONCERNS REGARDING BILL NO. 18 -00 - SURCHARGE RATE - MORRIS <br />PERFORMING ART CENTER <br />Councilmember White asked if it would be possible to have submitted to the Council <br />the amount the Morris Center collected in surcharge fees two (2) years ago before <br />they closed for remodeling in order to use that amount as a baseline against what will <br />be collected in 2000. She thought this baseline amount would be something to begin <br />with. Council Attorney Kathleen Cekanski - Farrand advised that she will check on <br />this matter and secure this information. Councilmember Coleman advised that he <br />had a similar thought and he would be happy to follow -up on this request. <br />4. COMMENTS BY COUNCILMEMBER COLEMAN REGARDING UP COMING <br />EVENTS AT THE MORRIS PREFORMING ART CENTER <br />Councilmember Coleman reminded everyone of two (2) upcoming events this <br />weekend to take place at the newly remodeled Morris Performing Art Center. <br />5. REQUEST FOR CITIZEN MEMBER PARTICIPATION ON COUNCIL <br />COMMITTEES <br />Council President Pfeifer encouraged interested citizens to serve on one (1) of the <br />nine (9) standing Council committees. <br />NEW BUSINESS <br />There was no new business to come before the Council at this time. <br />PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR <br />1. COLLEGE FOOTBALL HALL OF FAME <br />Mr. Jim Cierzniak, 1156 East Victoria, South Bend, Indiana, reminded the Council <br />that at the last meeting he provided to them the 1999 financial statement for the <br />College Football Hall of Fame. At this time, he is submitting a two (2) page <br />summary of the operating and financing losses for the Hall of Fame for the years <br />1995 though 1999 as well as a Financial Statement Projection for years one (1) <br />through ten (10). Mr. Cierzniak went over this handout and asked that the Council <br />keep these figures in mind. <br />