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REGULAR MEETING <br />JANUARY 10, 2000 <br />vacated alley lying West of and adjacent to said Lot 211; also together with the South <br />Half of vacated Tutt Street lying North and adjacent to said Lots 211 and 212. <br />PARCEL IV: Beginning at the Northwest corner of Lot 220 in Garst's First Addition to South <br />Bend City now within and a part of the City of South Bend, Indiana, as recorded in <br />Plat Book 3, page 41 in the Office of the Recorder of St. Joseph County, Indiana, <br />said beginning point being the intersection of the South line of said vacated 14 foot <br />alley with the East right -of -way line of Main Street as it existed on January 27,1988; <br />thence North 0 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East (bearing assumed) along said <br />East right -of -way line of Main Street, a measured distance of 52.13 feet to the South <br />line of the North 30.00 feet of said Lot 260; thence North 89 degrees 57 minutes 40 <br />seconds East along said South line and parallel with the North line of said Lot 260, <br />a measured distance of 200.37 feet to the East line of Lot 212 in Garst's First <br />Addition; thence South 00 degrees 10 minutes 21 seconds West along the East line <br />of said Lot 212 a measured distance of 51.93 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 213 <br />in said Garst's First Addition being also the Southeast corner of a 14 foot alley <br />vacated by Vacation Resolution 3444, `thence South 89 degrees 56 minutes 20 <br />seconds West along the South line of said vacated 14 foot alley a measured distance <br />of 200.25 feet to the place of beginning <br />PARCEL V: All of Lot's Numbered Two Hundred Thirteen (213), Two Hundred Fourteen (214), <br />Two Hundred Fifteen (215), Two Hundred Sixteen (216) and the East 10 feet of Lot <br />Numbered Two Hundred Seventeen (217), all as shown on the recorded Plat of <br />Daniel Garst's 151 Addition to South Bend City, now within and a part of the City of <br />South Bend, EXCEPTING THEREFROM the South 25 feet thereof. <br />PARCEL VI: All of Lots Numbered Two Hundred Eighteen (218), Two Hundred Nineteen (219), <br />and Two Hundred Twenty (220) and the West 15 feet of Lot Numbered Two <br />Hundred Seventeen (217) all as shown on the recorded Plat of Daniel Garst's 1st <br />Addition to South Bend City, now within and a part of the City of South Bend, <br />EXCEPTING THEREFROM the South 24.5 feet thereof. <br />PARCEL VII: Lot Numbered One (1) as shown on the recorded Plat of Studebaker Corridor First <br />Minor Subdivision recorded November 19;1992 in the Office of the Recorder of St. <br />Joseph County, Indiana as Document Number 9243312, said lot including the South <br />Half of that portion of vacated Tutt Street lying North of and adjacent to Lot 259 as <br />shown on the recorded Plat 'of Daniel Garst's Subdivision of part of his First <br />Addition to South Bend. <br />And which has Key Numbers: <br />18 -3041 -1586 <br />18- 3041 -1583- <br />18- 3042 - 1631 <br />18- 3042 -1621 <br />18 -3042 -1630 <br />as an Economic Revitalization Area; and <br />WHEREAS, notice of the adoption of a Declaratory Resolution and the public hearing before <br />the Council has been published pursuant to Indiana Code 6 -1.1- 12.1 -2.5; and <br />WHEREAS, the Council held a public hearing for the purposes of Bearing all remonstrances <br />and objections from interested persons; and <br />WHEREAS, the Council has deterinined that the qualifications for an economic revitalization <br />area have been met. <br />fl <br />