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-2- <br />NORTHEAST NETGHBORHOOD <br />a final determination of your foundation status. <br />If we publish a notice in the fnternaL Revenue Bul-letin stating that wewill no longer treat you as a publicly supported organizat.ion, gra4t,ors and <br />contributors may not rely on this determination after the date we publish thenoti-ce. In addition, if you lose your status as a puhlicly supporled organj.- <br />zation, and a grantor or contri-butor was responsible for, <br />"r <br />r"r aware of, the <br />act or faiLure to act, that resulted in your loss of such status, that person <br />may not rely on this determination from the date of the act or fail-ure to act. <br />AIso, if a grantor or cont.ributor l-earned that we had given noEice that you <br />woul-d be removed from classification as a publicly supported. organization, then <br />that person may not rely on this determination as of the date he or she <br />acguired such knowledge. <br />If you change your aources of supportr 1rour purposes, character, or method <br />of operation, please let us know so we can consider the effect, of the change on <br />your exempt stat,us and foundation status. If you amend your organizat.ional <br />document or bylaws, please send us a copy of the amended document or bylaws. <br />AIso, let us know all changes in your name or address. <br />As of January 1, L984, you are liable for sociaL security taxes under <br />ttre Federal fnsurance Contributj-ons Act on amounEs of $100 or more you pay to <br />each of your employees during a calendar year. You are not liable for the tax <br />imposed under the Federal Unemplolment Tax Act (FUIA). <br />Organizations that are not private foundations are not subject to the pri- <br />vate foundation excise taxes under Chapter 42 of t.he fnternal Revenue Code. <br />However, you are nots automatically exempt from other federal excise taxes. If <br />you have any questions about excise, employment, or other federaL taxes, please <br />l-et us know. <br />Donors may deduct contributions to you as provided in section 170 of the <br />Interna1 Revenue Code. Bequests, legacies, devises, transfers, or gifts to you <br />or for your use are deductible for Federal estate and gift tax pur?oses if they <br />meet Ehe applicable provisions of sections 2055, 2L06, and 2522 of the Code. <br />Donors may deduct contributions to you only to the extent that their <br />contributions are gi.fts, with no consideration received. Ticket, purchases and <br />simj.lar pa)ment,s in conjunction with fundraising events may not necessarily <br />gualify as deductible contributions, depending on the circumsLances. Revenue <br />Ruting 67-246, published in Cumulative BulleEin L967-2, on page 104, gives <br />guidelines regarding when talq)ayers may deduct payments for admission to, or <br />other participation in, fundraising activities for charity. <br />You are not required to fi.le Form 990, Return of Organization Exempt From <br />Income Tax, if your gro6s receipts each year are normally $25,000 or lese. If <br />you receive a Form 990 package in the mail, simply attaclr the l-abel provided, <br />check the box in the heading to indicate that your annuaL gross receipte are <br />normally $25,OOO or less, and sign the return. Because you will be treated as <br />a pubtic charity for return filing purposes during your entire advance ruling <br />period., you should file Form 990 for each year in your advance ruling period <br />IJetter 1045 (DOICG)