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REGULAR MEETING <br />APRIL 9, 2001 <br />common ownership and that ownership has access to sewer and water located off of Mayflower and <br />Cleveland Roads. Otherwise, this annexation meets all the criteria of state law. <br />A Public Hearing was held on the Resolution at this time. <br />There being no one present wishing to speak to the Council either in favor of or in opposition to this <br />Resolution, Councilmember Varner made a motion to adopt this Resolution. Councilmember <br />Coleman seconded the motion which carried and the Resolution was adopted by a roll call vote of <br />nine (9) ayes. <br />RESOLUTION NO. 2981 -01 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE <br />CITY OF SOUTH BEND ADOPTING A WRITTEN <br />FISCAL PLAN AND ESTABLISHING A POLICY FOR <br />THE PROVISION OF SERVICES TO AN ANNEXATION <br />AREA IN CLAY TOWNSHIP (MAORI /LAFREE <br />ANNEXATION AREA) <br />WHEREAS, there has been submitted to the Common Council of the City of South Bend, <br />Indiana, an Ordinance and a petition by the sole (100 %) property owner which proposes the <br />annexation of real estate located in Clay Township, St. Joseph County, Indiana, which is described <br />more particularly in Section I of this Resolution, and; <br />WHEREAS, the territory proposed to be annexed encompasses approximately 4.44 acres of <br />vacant land, which property is at least 12.1 % contiguous to the current City limits, i.e. approximately <br />12.5% contiguous, generally located on the north side of Juday Creek, about 200 feet of the end <br />of MacErlain Avenue in Clay Township, Indiana. This annexation area will require a basic level of <br />municipal public services, of a non - capital improvement nature, including police and fire protection, <br />street and road maintenance, street sweeping, flushing, snow removal, and sewage collection, and <br />services of a capital improvement nature, including street and road construction, a street lighting <br />system, a storm water system, a sanitary sewer system, and a water distribution system; and <br />WHEREAS, the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, now desires to <br />establish and adopt a fiscal plan and establish a definite policy showing: (1) the cost estimates of <br />services of a non - capital nature, including street and road maintenance, police and fire protection, <br />and other non - capital services normally provided within the corporate boundaries, and services of <br />a capital improvement nature, including a sewer collection system, a water distribution system, and <br />a street lighting system; (2) the method (s) of financing those services; (3) the plan for the <br />organization and extension of those services; (4) that services of a non - capital nature will be <br />provided to the annexed area within one (1) year after the effective date of the annexation, and that <br />they will be provided in a manner in standard and scope to similar non - capital services provided to <br />areas within the corporate boundaries of the City of South Bend, regardless of similar topography, <br />patterns of land use, or population density; (5) that the services of a capital improvement nature will <br />be provided to the annexed area within four (4) years after the effective date of the annexation in the <br />same manner as the services are provided to areas within the corporate boundaries of the City of <br />South Bend, regardless of similar topography, patterns of land use, or population density, and in a <br />manner consistent with federal, state and local laws; and (6) the plan for hiring the employees of <br />other governmental entities whose jobs will be eliminated by the proposed annexation; and <br />WHEREAS, the Board of Public Works of the City of South Bend, the Board of Public <br />Safety of the City of South Bend, and the Board of Water Works Commissioners of the City of <br />South Bend, have each approved a written fiscal plan and established a policy for the provision of <br />services to the territory proposed to be annexed, which plan and policy the Common Council finds <br />to be appropriate and in the best interest of the City, and, which it desires to adopt. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY <br />OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, AS FOLLOWS: <br />