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sale of the bonds and all incidental expenses necessary to be <br />incurred in connection therewith, the City shall make a loan in an <br />amount not to exceed �0- 13-rs- <br />-(�5- 53-000 -�-00 -) One Hundred Seventy Thousand Dollars ($170,000.00). <br />In order to procure said loan pursuant to I. C. 36- 4 -6 -19, the <br />Common Council hereby determines to issue and sell the negotiable <br />and general obligation bonds of the City, to be designated as <br />"Judgment Funding Bonds of 1984", <br />in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed - 0n-e --_H i nn <br />Flfty=flve- Thousand- Dollars- One Hundred Seventy <br />Thousand Dollars ($170,000.00), which bonds shall be issued in <br />bearer form without coupons, in the denomination of Five Thousand <br />Dollars ($5,000.00), shall be numbered consecutively from 1 <br />upwards, shall be dated as of Oeteber- -1; -1 -9$3; March 1, 1984, shall <br />mature on Oeteber -1; -1984; March 1, 1985, and shall ear interest <br />at a rate not exceeding twelve percent (12%) per annum, the exact <br />rate or rates to be determined by bidding, which interest shall be <br />payable at maturity. Both bonds and interest shall be payable at <br />the 1st Source Bank, in the City of South Bend, Indiana, or at any <br />additional or successor paying agent designated by the City. <br />SECTION II. Section 4 of Ordinance No. 7230 -83 is <br />amended by additions and deletions and shall read in its entirety <br />as follows: <br />SECTION 4. The form and tenor of the bonds shall be <br />substantially as follows (all blanks to be properly completed <br />prior to the printing of the bonds): <br />UNITED STATES OF AMERICA <br />State of Indiana County of St. Joseph <br />No. <br />CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA <br />JUDGMENT - FUNDING- B9NDS -9F -4983 <br />JUDGMENT FUNDING BONDS OF 1984 <br />$5,000.00 <br />The City of South Bend, a municipal corporation of the State <br />of Indiana, located in St. Joseph County, for value received, <br />hereby acknowledges itself indebted and promises to pay to the <br />bearer hereof the principal amount of <br />FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS <br />on 8etober -1; -1984; March 1, 1985, and to pay interest thereon <br />from the date hereof until the principal is paid, at the rate of <br />percent ( %) per annum, payable on Geteber -1 -1984 - <br />Marc , 1985. <br />Both principal and interest of this bond are payable in lawful <br />money of the United States of America, upon presentation and sur- <br />render of these bonds, at 1st Source Bank of South Bend, in the City <br />of South Bend, Indiana, or at any additional or successor paying <br />agent designed by the City. <br />This bond is one of an authorized issue ofk1�y- o�te -F3�1} <br />thirty -four (34) bonds of the City of South Bend, of like date, <br />denomination, tenor and effect, aggregating Ame- Hundred -Fifty -five <br />£l�et3sa�d- Deltas- F$155;A8A:AA }; One Hundred Seventy Thousand <br />Dollars ($170,000.00), numbered consecutively from 1 to 81 34 in- <br />clusive, issue pursuant to I. C. 36- 4 -6 -19 and an ordinance adopted <br />by the Common Council of said City on August 8, 1983, entitled "An <br />Ordinance of the City of South Bend, Indiana, authorizing the <br />issuance and sale of bonds of said City in order to provide funds for <br />- 2 - <br />