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REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 25, 2002 <br />Residential and when the existing multi- family use no longer exists, only those uses allowed in the <br />"A" Residential zoning district will be allowed on the property. The Commission would also point <br />out that there are several other duplexes and multi - family structures in the neighborhood which were <br />downzoned in 1976 and for which rezoning to `B" Residential zoning could be sought if this petition <br />is successful. <br />Mr. Greg Stroupe, 10212 Shadow Wood Drive, Granger, Indiana, made the presentation for this <br />bill. <br />Mr. Stroupe advised that he owns the property at 1018 -1020 Sherman and has petitioned the City <br />to change the zoning from single family to multi- family. He noted that he understands the reluctance <br />to spot zone and the desire to increase home ownership in this neighborhood but asked that the <br />Council consider the special circumstances of this request. The structure was built in 1920 as a <br />multi - family house and is three thousand eight hundred (3,800) square feet. He further noted that <br />it is unrealistic to think that this house will ever exist as a single family residence. Mr. Stroupe <br />advised that he has owned the property for over three (3) years and has made numerous <br />improvements. In December of 2001 a decision was made to sell the property. It was sold in <br />March of 2002 to a financially qualified individual who began to secure financing. For five and one <br />half months ( 5 1/2) months this person tried to get approval through numerous financial institutions <br />but even though he was extremely qualified he was turned down by every lender he contacted. Mr. <br />Stroupe informed the Council that the value of the property is partially derived from its income <br />earning potential. The lenders have become much more conservative in the past year or so and <br />because the property is zoned single family they require that they be provided with a letter from the <br />City stating that if the structure burnt down it could be rebuilt as it exists today. The City will not <br />provide this letter. Therefore, the only alternative was to rezone the property to multi - family which <br />would match the current use of the property and its past use for the last eighty -two (82) years. Mr. <br />Stroupe asked the Council to consider the circumstances of this unique situation as this property has <br />always been a multi- family home. <br />In response to questions from Councilmember Coleman, Mr. Stroupe stated that there are two <br />furnaces in the house and that the property is actually split down the middle in that there are two (2) <br />water heaters, (2) furnaces and two (2) electric services as well. He confirmed that currently the <br />house is used as a quad. Additionally, Mr. Stroupe stated that there are two (2) front doors for the <br />two downstairs apartments and for the upstairs there is a back entrance on the exterior of the <br />building. Councilmember Coleman noted that the Area Plan Commission report stated that the <br />building is two thousand one hundred ninety -one (2,191) square feet which will occupy is thirty - <br />four per cent (34 %) of the site but Mr. Stroupe stated that the structure actually had three thousand <br />eight hundred (3,800) square feet and he asked Mr. Stroupe why there is a discrepancy. Mr. <br />Stroupe noted that the base is two thousand one hundred (2,100) square feet but the square footage <br />that he is considering is for both the upstairs and downstairs. <br />This being the time heretofore set for the Public Hearing on the above bill, proponents and <br />opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. <br />The following individuals spoke in favor of this bill: <br />Mr. Douglas W. Way, 5237 North Falls Church Court, South Bend, Indiana, advised that he is an <br />advocate for strong neighborhoods and for single family housing and is wholeheartedly in favor of <br />the zoning that was put in place in the early 1970's. However, there are a half dozen homes that <br />were intentionally built as multi - family housing and Mr. Stroupe owns one of those homes. To <br />expect someone to remove walls that were permanently put there as original construction and to <br />restore it to a single family home that it never was is ridiculous. He noted that as much as he <br />believes in strong neighborhoods he also believes injustice. Mr. Stroupe is being put through a <br />financial hardship by not being able to sell this property as it was built for its intended purpose. If <br />he cannot sell his house, he is allowed two (2) options. One, he can sell the house on a land contract <br />-5- <br />