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REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 14, 2002 <br />bill, Councilmember Coleman made a motion for favorable recommendation to the full Council <br />concerning this bill. Councilmember Varner seconded the motion which carried by a voice vote of <br />eight (8) ayes. <br />BILL NO. 62 -02 PUBLIC HEARING ON A BILL AMENDING THE <br />ZONING ORDINANCE FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT <br />103 NORTH ST. LOUIS AVE., 615 & 619 EAST <br />WASHINGTON STREET, IN THE CITY OF SOUTH <br />BEND, INDIANA <br />Councilmember Kuspa reported that the Area Plan Commission conducted a Public Hearing on this <br />bill and has submitted a favorable recommendation and that the Zoning & Annexation Committee <br />also met on this bill and sends it to the Council with a favorable recommendation. <br />Council Attorney Kathleen Cekanski - Farrand advised that the Council will be considering the <br />substitute ordinance which has already been accepted. <br />Mr. Jeff Myers, Staff Planner, Area Plan Commission, Room 1140 County -City Building, South <br />Bend, Indiana, presented the report from the Commission. <br />Mr. Myers advised that the Petitioners are requesting a zone change from `B" Residential, `B" <br />Height and Area to "A -3" Mixed Use Multi- Family Residential and Commercial District, "G" <br />Height and Area to allow an off - street parking facility. The property is currently vacant land. <br />Mr. Myers further advised that located to the north are single family homes and a multi family <br />dwelling unit zoned `B" Residential, `B" Height and Area; to the east across St. Louis Avenue are <br />single family homes, a multi - family dwelling unit and an office zoned `B" Residential, `B" Height <br />and Area; to the south across Washington Street is an office zoned "A -3" Mixed Use, "G" Height <br />and Area and to the west is a commercial business zoned "C" Commercial, `B" Height and Area. <br />Access to the site will be from the alley west of the site. Water and sewer are available to the site. <br />The drainage has been addressed by the petitioner. The total site to be rezoned is ten thousand eight <br />hundred ninety (10,890) square feet. Of that, the parking and drives will occupy ninety per cent <br />(90 %) of the site, and ten per cent (10 %) of the site will remain as open space. A check of the <br />Agency's maps indicates that no public wells, flood hazards, wetlands or environmental hazard areas <br />are present. The site plan is preliminary. <br />A petition to rezone a portion of this site from `B" Residential, `B" Height and Area to "A -3" Mixed <br />Use, "G" Height and Area was approved by the Common Council on May 13, 2002 to allow an off - <br />street facility. However, a final site plan has not been approved to finalize the zoning. <br />The Area Plan Commission, at its Public Hearing held on September 17, 2002, sent this petition to <br />the Council with a favorable recommendation subj ect to a final site development plan. This site will <br />serve as an off street parking facility for the office and laboratory facility to the south. With proper <br />buffering for the surrounding residential uses through the use of screening, as currently shown on <br />the site plan, it is the Area Plan Commission's opinion that the proposed use is reasonable for this <br />site. However, it is recommended that the parking lot be made available for public use after hours <br />of operation. <br />Mr. Mike Danch, Danch, Hamer & Associates, 2422 Viridian Drive, Suite 201, South Bend, <br />Indiana, made the presentation for this bill representing the owner and petitioner, Underwriter's <br />Laboratories, Inc., 110 South Hill Street, South Bend, Indiana. <br />-3- <br />