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Opening of Bids - 2024-2025 Water Treatment Wastewater Chemicals - Polydyne Inc.
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Opening of Bids - 2024-2025 Water Treatment Wastewater Chemicals - Polydyne Inc.
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r� �iili� �1 <br />x!,Y�<: <br />presented during the Form I-9 process to establish identity.) If an employee objects to the photo <br />requirement for religious reasons, the Employer should contact E-Verify at 888-464-4218. <br />B. If an employee presents a DHS Form I-551 (Permanent Resident Card), Form I-766 (Employment <br />Authorization Document), or U.S. Passport or Passport Card to complete Form I-9, the Employer <br />agrees to make a photocopy of the document and to retain the photocopy with the employee's Form <br />I-9. The Employer will use the photocopy to verify the photo and to assist DHS with its review of <br />photo mismatches that employees contest. DHS may in the future designate other documents that <br />activate the photo screening tool. <br />Note: Subject only to the exceptions noted previously in this paragraph, employees still retain the right to <br />present any List A, or List B and List C, document(s) to complete the Form I-9. <br />7. The Employer agrees to record the case verification number on the employee's Form I-9 or to print the <br />screen containing the case verification number and attach it to the employee's Form I-9. <br />8. The Employer agrees that, although it participates in E-Verify, the Employer has a responsibility to <br />complete, retain, and make available for inspection Forms I-9 that relate to its employees, or from other <br />requirements of applicable regulations or laws, including the obligation to comply with the antidiscrimination <br />requirements of section 274B of the INA with respect to Form I-9 procedures. <br />A. The following modified requirements are the only exceptions to an Employer's obligation to not <br />employ unauthorized workers and comply with the anti -discrimination provision of the INA: (1) List B <br />identity documents must have photos, as described in paragraph 6 above; (2) When an Employer <br />confirms the identity and employment eligibility of newly hired employee using E-Verify procedures, <br />the Employer establishes a rebuttable presumption that it has not violated section 274A(a)(1)(A) of <br />the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) with respect to the hiring of that employee; (3) If the <br />Employer receives a final nonconfirmation for an employee, but continues to employ that person, <br />the Employer must notify DHS and the Employer is subject to a civil money penalty between $550 <br />and $1,100 for each failure to notify DHS of continued employment following a final <br />nonconfirmation; (4) If the Employer continues to employ an employee after receiving a final <br />nonconfirmation, then the Employer is subject to a rebuttable presumption that it has knowingly <br />employed an unauthorized alien in violation of section 274A(a)(1)(A); and (5) no E-Verify participant <br />is civilly or criminally liable under any law for any action taken in good faith based on information <br />provided through the E-Verify. <br />B. DHS reserves the right to conduct Form I-9 compliance inspections, as well as any other <br />enforcement or compliance activity authorized by law, including site visits, to ensure proper use of <br />E-Verify. <br />9. The Employer is strictly prohibited from creating an E-Verify case before the employee has been hired, <br />meaning that a firm offer of employment was extended and accepted and Form I-9 was completed. The <br />Employer agrees to create an E-Verify case for new employees within three Employer business days after <br />each employee has been hired (after both Sections 1 and 2 of Form I-9 have been completed), and to <br />complete as many steps of the E-Verify process as are necessary according to the E-Verify User Manual. If E- <br />Verify is temporarily unavailable, the three-day time period will be extended until it is again operational in <br />order to accommodate the Employer's attempting, in good faith, to make inquiries during the period of <br />unavailability. <br />10. The Employer agrees not to use E-Verify for pre -employment screening of job applicants, in support of any <br />unlawful employment practice, or for any other use that this MOU or the E-Verify User Manual does not <br />authorize. <br />11. The Employer must use E-Verify (through its Web Services E-Verify Employer Agent) for all new employees. <br />The Employer will not verify selectively and will not verify employees hired before the effective date of this <br />MOU. Employers who are Federal contractors may qualify for exceptions to this requirement as described in <br />Article II.B of this MOU. <br />12. The Employer agrees to follow appropriate procedures (see Article III below) regarding tentative <br />nonconfirmations. The Employer must promptly notify employees in private of the finding and provide them <br />with the notice and letter containing information specific to the employee's E-Verify case. The Employer <br />agrees to provide both the English and the translated notice and letter for employees with limited English <br />proficiency to employees. The Employer agrees to provide written referral instructions to employees and <br />instruct affected employees to bring the English copy of the letter to the SSA. The Employer must allow <br />employees to contest the finding, and not take adverse action against employees if they choose to contest <br />the finding, while their case is still pending. Further, when employees contest a tentative nonconfirmation <br />based upon a photo mismatch, the Employer must take additional steps (see Article III.B below) to contact <br />DHS with information necessary to resolve the challenge. <br />13. The Employer agrees not to take any adverse action against an employee based upon the employee's <br />Page 2 of 17 I E-Verify MOU for Employers Using a Web Services Employer Agent I Revision Date 06/01/13 <br />
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