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A. HISTORIC NAME Wilbur E & Edna Sanders <br />D. ADDRESS 1218 East Wayne South <br />B. COUNTY St. Joseph C. NUMBER 141 _5.119a 5194 <br />E. TWP/CITY Portage/South Bend F. QUAD NAME <br />RATING Outstanding Significant/Notable VContributing/Reference Non -Contributing UTM REFERENCES 11 ,61 11 I 1 1 11 I i 1 1 1 1 1 1 <br />STATE OF INDIANA <br />1. COMMON NAME <br />2. OWNERSHIP <br />3. VISIBLE Yes <br />DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES <br />Public X_ Private <br />No <br />INDIANA HISTORIC SITES AND STRUCTURES INVENTORY <br />REVISED <br />1981 <br />4. PROPERTY'S MAILING ADDRESS <br />Shakour, Gabriel R & Michelle T. <br />1218 East Wayne South <br />South Bend, IN 46615 <br />5. LOCATION NOTES <br />6th building west of southwest <br />corner of South Sun ys de and Fast <br />Wayne South. <br />6. USE <br />Residence <br />Govt./Pol. <br />Commerce <br />Industrial <br />Agriculture <br />Transportation <br />Organization <br />Other <br />PRESENT <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />PAST <br />0 <br />Military <br />Entertainment <br />Scientific <br />Religious <br />Park <br />Museum <br />Educational <br />PRESENT PAST <br />O <br />O <br />O 0 <br />0 <br />O 0 <br />0 <br />10. CONDITION <br />Excellent <br />Good <br />Fair <br />Deteriorated <br />Ruins <br />X <br />11. BUILDING INTEGRITY <br />Unaltered <br />Altered <br />Moved <br />Date <br />X Major <br />11a. Specify Alterations <br />Removals <br />Structural <br />7. ENDANGERED <br />Vacant <br />Neglected <br />Encroachment <br />Other <br />SURVEYS <br />NR NHL <br />8. CATEGORY <br />District <br />X Building(s) <br />Structure <br />Site <br />Object <br />91. LOCAL LEGAL PROTECTIONS <br />Historic District <br />Landmai k <br />Deed Re;triction <br />Other <br />NABS HAER <br />Replacement Alum. storm windows <br />Additions 2' extension on side wing <br />12. DATE- <br />1928_ 13. STYLE Tudor Revival 14. ARCHITECT/BUILDER <br />15. DESCRIPTION 12 story frame, irregular plan; gable roof, asphalt shingles, <br />large front and rear shed roof dormers; brick below first floor sill line; single <br />and grouped 4/1 double hung sashes, molded wood trim; gable entry, brackets, beam <br />Stucco and <br />Facade Material ha -timbering. Inscriptions <br />16. OUTBUILDINGS i car, 1 door frame__g.arage, stucco, gable roof. <br />17. — 14TE-P-LA <br />18. ENVIRONMENT <br />Residential; a TV tower at Northeast <br />corner. <br />19. AREAS OF SIGNIFICANCE: Specify the significance for each area checke 1 <br />Aboriginal <br />Arts <br />Architecture <br />Commerce <br />Communications <br />Community Planning <br />Education <br />Engineering <br />Environs/Neighborhoods <br />Exploration/Settlement <br />Humanities <br />Indian <br />Landscape Architecture <br />Military <br />Politics/Government <br />Religion <br />Science/Technology <br />Social/Ethnicity <br />Transportation <br />Vernacular/Construction <br />According to the Assessors cards, this residence was built in 1925, <br />however, the first resident, Myron & Cletis Harmon, does not appear in the <br />City Directories until 1928. Whitcomb & Keller had sold the property to <br />ATTACH <br />NEGATIVE <br />ENVELOPE <br />HERE <br />Ira E Ruth in 1926, who, in turn, sold it to Charles & Virginia Snolhorger in 1928, <br />apparently at the time of the construction of the house. The Sn.olbergers rented the property <br />until it was sold in a sheriff's sale to Prudential Lnsliranre Company in 1935. The property <br />was vacant between 1935 and 1940 except when Cline T and Joan R Tucker resided in the house <br />in 1938, renting it from Prudential. <br />Beginning in 1941 Wilber E and Edna Sanders resided in the house They did not obtain <br />the deed for it until 1944. Wilbur Sanders was a plant engineer for Bendix Products Corporation <br />Mr. Sanders was born in Muncie, INdiana in 1892 and came to South Bend in 1940_ Mr. Sanders marrie_ <br />Edna Parker in 1912, she died in 1944, at which time he married Velma C. Minor. He retired as an <br />executive of the Bendix Corp., in 1963 at which time he became a consultant for them. Mr. Sanders <br />resided in this house until his death in 1968 at age 75. Mrs. Velma Sanders continued to reside her <br />e until her death in 1975 at which time the house was sold by executor, First Bank & Trust Cn , to <br />Other Judith M. Kroc. Ms. Kroc sold the house in 1977 to Thomas E. & Beverly Steinke (OVER) <br />Descrp. Cont.: raking trim, concrete stoop, brick half walls with concrete cap and metal railings: one story hip roof <br />with wide eaves, side wing with 2 foot hip roof extension; brick foundation; rear flat roof with balcony above; brick <br />chimney with metal cap. <br />Legal Desc.: L149 Sunnymede 1st Key # 18 6108 3845 <br />20. INFORMATION SOURCES South Bend City Directories; Township Assessors; peed Records: Book 196, Page 458; <br />Book 209, Page 518; Book 271, Page 201; Rook 376.; Page 380_ <br />21. SURVEYOR B. Poland <br />Revised: R. Saunders 9/98 <br />22. DATE September, 1986