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REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 8, 2003 <br />($11,690.00) a year and eight thousand five hundred (8,500) live on less than fifteen thousand dollars <br />($15,000.00) a year. <br />There was no one else present wishing to speak in opposition of this bill. <br />In rebuttal, Mayor Luecke informed the Council that he appreciates their attention to detail in these <br />ordinances. The Engineer position showing a fourteen per cent (14 %) increase is due to real <br />growth in the job by the person that fills that position but it also eliminated another position. There <br />was consolidation of work being done that warranted the raise in this instance. Mayor Luecke <br />stated that he is proud of the work that City employees do. He praised the extraordinary work that <br />was done during the recent storm clean up noting that the way people pulled together and the <br />teamwork and coordination of that effort by supervisors and everyone carrying out the plan is a great <br />example of the way the City employees respond day in and day out. They certainly warrant the <br />increase that is proposed for them. Mayor Luecke asked for the Council's favorable consideration. <br />Councilmember Kirsits stated that he noticed that City employees that are part of the non - bargaining <br />group do not have the opportunity to sell back unused sick time or flex time that they accumulate <br />much like the police and fire bargaining units. He asked if that option has been explored. <br />Councilmember Kirsits further stated that it is unfair for long time City employees that are getting <br />ready to retire and have a lot of sick time because they have been good employees and have not used <br />this time not to be able to get that benefit. <br />Mayor Luecke stated that this has not been looked at. He noted that the bargaining units have <br />bargained for that benefit and obviously it is one of the benefits for being within a bargaining unit. <br />Mayor Luecke stated that for non - bargaining employees vacation and sick days do not accumulate <br />as they are to be used in the year and if they are not used within the year they do not roll over into <br />the next. He stated that it is not that the City wants to encourage people to be sick but it is available <br />for when people are sick or needed for family medical leave but there is not an accumulation of that <br />for the non - bargaining. Mayor Luecke stated that he appreciates the suggestion. Councilmember <br />Kirsits asked the Mayor if this was something that could be looked at and perhaps money could be <br />transferred and the merit bonus money could be used toward this benefit as he believes that these <br />employees should be rewarded. Mayor Luecke stated that he appreciates the suggestion and would <br />be glad to have further discussion with him on this issue. <br />Councilmember Kirsits stated that he is in favor of the four per cent (4 %) increase in salary for non- <br />bargaining City employees. <br />Councilmember Aranowski invited Councilmember Kirsits to bring the issue of sick time buy back <br />for non - bargaining employees to the Personnel and Finance Committee if he so desires. <br />Councilmember Aranowski made a motion for favorable recommendation to full Council <br />concerning this bill as amended. Councilmember Pfeifer seconded the motion which carried by a <br />voice vote of eight (8) ayes. <br />RISE AND REPORT <br />Councilmember Kuspa made motion to rise and report to the full Council. Council President White <br />ao __A_a 41.0 sv.. +4 _ _1-: -L. .....W..,.] L__ - _'_'__ _­_ _ 0 _ _I , ins <br />