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REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 11, 2003 <br />SECTION IV. Approval is subject to the petitioner complying with the reasonable <br />conditions established by the Board of Zoning Appeals which are on file in the office of the city <br />clerk. <br />SECTION V. This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adopted by <br />the common Council and approval by the mayor. <br />s/Karen L. White <br />Member of the Common Council <br />Councilmember Kuspa, Chairperson, Zoning & Annexation Committee, reported that this <br />committee met this afternoon and it was moved to send this bill to the full Council with a favorable <br />recommendation. <br />Mr. Donald F. Fozo, Building Commissioner, City of South Bend and St. Joseph County Building <br />Department, no address given, provided the report from the Board of Zoning Appeals. <br />Mr. Fozo advised that the Board of Zoning Appeals had its Public Hearing on this Petition on July <br />17, 2003 and sent it to the Council with a favorable recommendation 3 -0. This Petition is to allow <br />the use of a billiard hall which is a controlled use within one thousand feet (1000') of two (2) other <br />controlled uses which is allowed only by special use. <br />Mr. Joe Heintzelman, 52015 Locks Lane, Granger, Indiana, made the presentation for this bill. <br />Mr. Heintzelman advised that he is the owner of Oscar's Billiard Club and he would like to relocate <br />and operate his business at 1902 South Bend Avenue. He noted that he has been in business for six <br />and one -half (6 1/2) years and was forced to move because Madison Center acquired their building. <br />He further advised that Oscar's has a membership of over two hundred (200) people and are active <br />in the community in a number of different ways. He stated that Oscar's is a Monday through <br />Saturday business. <br />A Public Hearing was held on the Resolution at this time. <br />Mr. Glenn Howard, 2202 Springhill Drive, South Bend, Indiana, stated that he is a member of <br />Oscar's Billiard Club and appreciates this business where adults could play billiards in a clean and <br />safe environment. He further stated that Oscar's is beneficial to him in that he is able to entertain <br />suppliers and customers from out of town at this establishment. <br />Mr. Ray Simmons, 435 LaMonte Terrace, South Bend, Indiana, advised that he has been a member <br />of Oscar's Billiard Club for five (5) years. He stated that it is a very clean well run adults only <br />establishment and he asked for an affirmative vote on this request. <br />Mr. Jeffrey Dee, 1537 South Lake George Drive, Mishawaka, Indiana, informed the Council that <br />is the owner of the United Beverage Company in South Bend. He noted that his business distributes <br />to Mr. Heintzelman's business and his establishment is in the top five per cent (5 %) of classy <br />operations. They tend to charge a little more and because of that their clientele is upscale. Mr. Dee <br />stated that this location on South Bend Avenue is ideal. ■ <br />