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07-28-03 Council Meeting Minutes
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Common Council Meeting Minutes
07-28-03 Council Meeting Minutes
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REGULAR MEETING <br />JULY 28, 2003 <br />parts of the City for a long time and it should have been addressed earlier. The problem this creates <br />is the City's responsibility because citizens pay to have water and sewage. She noted that the system <br />does work most of the time but during heavy downpours it does not and when it does not it is <br />devastating. She further noted that a persons home fills up with sewer gas which is a health problem. <br />If you do not have a back up system then raw sewage comes into your basement. Then, there is so <br />much pressure that the manholes pop off the streets and then there is raw sewage in the street. <br />Lastly, the raw sewage goes untreated into the river. Ms. Brownell stated that there is no plan to <br />separate the five (5) sewer systems into separate water and drain systems. She is aware of only the <br />Corby Street project where the City did separate the two lines. She stated that all citizens have paid <br />all these years and have just gotten promises. She further stated that she would not mind being in <br />line for the project if there was a plan. This extra cost for the average homeowner and family is one <br />more reason for people to move out of the City. She asked that the Council compromise and do less <br />for Notre Dame and more for the homeowners. <br />Ms. Joyce Boaler, address on file with the City Clerk, stated that the Council's mission statement <br />to make certain that our City government is responsive to the needs of its residents is unrealistic in <br />view of current statistics. She asked if I/N Tek - I/N Kote and the ethanol plant paid their fair share <br />for laying sewers from New Carlisle or improving the treatment plant's ability to deal with discharge <br />or if taxpayers paid through tax incremental financing. Public funds come from the pockets of <br />citizens. She stated that the previous hike was too much and that untreated sewage from Notre <br />Dame and the ethanol plant should be extra. Mrs. Boaler advised that the bill states that sewage <br />rates and charges shall be based on the quantity of water used which she believes fair. However, this <br />rate plus a charge based on the size of the water meter is unfair and residential rates should be basic <br />regardless of meter size. Ms. Boaler also stated that the new sewer rates are a hardship to South <br />Bend citizens aged sixty -five (65 ) plus who are on social security incomes. She cited national <br />census statistics regarding numbers of households and incomes. She stated that these figures <br />indicate that we are in a fiscal crisis yet taxes and rates are increased constantly. She further stated <br />that the City is responsible and the Advisory Committee will offer advice but they will vote to raise <br />homeowner taxes. <br />Ms. Rita Kopala, 66559 Ivy Road, Lakeville, Indiana, informed the Council that not many people <br />were present this evening because the South Bend Tribune only reported on July 17, 2003 that there <br />would be a meeting. Ms. Kopala read excerpts of an article from the Tribune and urged citizens to <br />remember the Council in the next election. <br />Mr. John Strauss, Assistant Superintendent of Facilities, South Bend Community School <br />Corporation, no address given, stated that last year the corporation paid one hundred eighty thousand <br />dollars ($180,000.00) on sewage treatment. With the new rate structure for this year and next year <br />they will spend two hundred fifteen thousand dollars ($215,000.00) which is a thirty -five thousand <br />dollar ($35,000.00) a year increase. Next year it will be up to fifty -four thousand eight hundred <br />ninety dollars ($54,890.00). Mr. Strauss stated that this is all unbudgeted money that will have to <br />be taken out of their utility account to pay for these additional costs. <br />There was no one else present wishing to speak in opposition to this bill. <br />In rebuttal, Mayor Luecke reminded everyone that this is the first increase for the sewage utility in <br />almost fifteen (15) years. A twenty -four per cent (24 %) increase over that period of time is less <br />
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