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REGULAR MEETING MARCH 24, 2003 <br />WHEREAS, the Real Property is desired for the purpose of widening Olive Road; and <br />WHEREAS, Shirley A. Kline and Sharlene Stidham are interested in selling said Real <br />Property; and <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of South <br />Bend, Indiana as follows: <br />Section I. The Board of Public Works is authorized and directed to appoint two (2) <br />appraisers to appraise the fair market value of the Real Property. <br />Section II. The Board of Public Works shall give a copy of both appraisals to the Common <br />Council. <br />Section III. The Board of Public Works may not purchase the Real Property for a price <br />greater than the average of the two appraisals. <br />s/Karen L. White <br />Member, South Bend Common Council <br />Councilmember Aranowski, Chairperson, Personnel & Finance Committee, reported that this <br />committee met this afternoon and sends these three (3) Resolutions to the full Council with a <br />favorable recommendation. <br />Mr. Bob Case, Department of Community & Economic Development, no address given, acting as <br />a Purchasing Agent for the Department of Public Works, made the presentation for these bills. <br />Mr. Case informed the Council that these three (3) Resolutions are for the purchase of real property <br />in the Airport Economic Development area. He noted that the City would like to purchase these <br />parcels for a public improvements project along Olive Road which extends down Old Cleveland <br />Road to the bypass. <br />A Public Hearing was held on the Resolutions at this time. <br />There was no one present wishing to speak to the Council either in favor of or in opposition to these <br />Resolutions. <br />Councilmember Coleman made a motion to adopt Bill No. 03 -33. Councilmember King seconded <br />the motion which carried and the Resolution was adopted by a roll call vote of nine (9) ayes. <br />Councilmember King made a motion to adopt Bill No. 03 -34. Councilmember Kelly seconded the <br />motion which carried and the Resolution was adopted by a roll call vote of nine (9) ayes. <br />Councilmember Pfeifer made a motion to adopt Bill No. 03 -35. Councilmember Kelly seconded <br />the motion which carried and the Resolution was adopted by a roll call vote of nine (9) ayes. <br />