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03-10-03 Council Meeting Minutes
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Common Council Meeting Minutes
03-10-03 Council Meeting Minutes
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REGULAR MEETING _ MARCH 10, 2003 <br />without taking an official position on the war but noting the profound impact that the war is going <br />to have in our community. She asked that the Council consider this matter. <br />Mr. Peter Smith, 1036 North Niles Avenue, South Bend, Indiana, asked that the Council put on their <br />agenda the Resolution on the war in Iraq which they received several weeks ago. He noted that they <br />have collected over four hundred thirty (430) signatures which he presented to the Council. He also <br />noted that over one hundred thirty (130) U.S. cities have passed similar Resolutions including <br />Chicago, Gary, Bloomington and Kalamazoo in Michigan. It is their opinion that the war is <br />unnecessary and there are alternative ways of disarming Iraq. Mr. Smith stated that his main point <br />is that South Bend and the State of Indiana cannot afford this war. Mr. Smith cited costs of the war <br />which could be utilized for other purposes and read a couple of passages from the proposed <br />Resolution. <br />Ms. Anne Hayner, 754 Leland, South Bend, Indiana, noted that she is worried about the future of <br />her children and the Council supporting the Cities for Peace is the least of the things that the Council <br />can do. She noted that the Council represents their voice in a way that can't be heard otherwise. She <br />advised that this is a huge concern and that going to war with Iraq will make everyone much less <br />secure. The likelihood of terrorism attacks in the future will increase if the United States attacks <br />Iraq. Ms. Hayner stated that everyone has a moral obligation to take a position here and she is <br />astonished that the Council would not take a stand on this moral issue. <br />Ms. Sheila Provencher, 507 Parkovash Avenue, South Bend, Indiana, noted that she came to speak <br />tonight because she traveled in Iraq for two (2) weeks in December as a member of Iraq Peace <br />Journey a group of US catholic leaders. Religious officials told them that when they returned to their <br />communities to first ask the people to pray for them and then tell them what they saw while they <br />were there. Ms. Provencher shared images of what she saw in Iraq. She noted that the people <br />there are afraid of their government but right now they are more frightened of a US attack. She <br />noted that her hope is that in whatever way everyone can that they make some sort of stand and the <br />City Council make some kind of formal stand and do what they can out of concern for the citizens <br />of South Bend and concern for the citizens of the world. <br />Ms. Lois Clark, 6417 Cedar Trail, South Bend, Indiana, explained that people are asking why our <br />country is doing this. Ms. Clark said in lieu of her speaking she would like the Council to listen to <br />a song by Ed Ames entitled "Who Will Answer." Ms. Clark handed out to the members of the <br />Council a small picture of individuals with the caption "Who backs an Iraq attack ?" while the song <br />played. <br />Mr. John Swanson, 1321 West Washington Street, South Bend, Indiana, informed the Council that <br />he said he would not miss a Council meeting but he was not present at the last meeting because he <br />was involved in a car accident and the car was being repaired. In regard to the war, he noted that he <br />is a ten (10) year disabled veteran and does not believe any war is just, especially a pre - empted <br />strike. He asked that the Council take into consideration what the other individuals that have spoken <br />have said. <br />Ms. Martha Carroll, 53200 Twyckenham, South Bend, Indiana, stated that she would like to add her <br />voice of support. As a pastor this issue is something that the members of the congregation are <br />talking about a lot and this is a wonderful opportunity for the community to have a voice and to take <br />
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