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02-10-03 Council Meeting Minutes
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Common Council Meeting Minutes
02-10-03 Council Meeting Minutes
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REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 10, 2003 <br />and Area. Access to the site is from Bartlett Street, Michigan Street, and Lafayette Boulevard. <br />Water and sewer are available to the site. The drainage has not been addressed by the Petitioner. <br />The total site to be rezoned is 10.7 acres. A check of the Agency's maps indicates that no flood <br />hazards, wetlands or environmental hazard areas are present. A community well field is located east <br />of the site. A site plan is not required for rezonings that are initiated by the Common Council. The <br />Area Plan Commission, at its Public Hearing held on December 17, 2002, sent this petition to the <br />Common Council with a favorable recommendation. This rezoning will aid in the efficient <br />development of the Memorial Hospital campus and will benefit the community as a whole. <br />In regards to Bill No. 91 -02, Mr. Myers advised that the Petitioner is requesting a zone change from <br />"B" Residential, "C" Height and Area to "C" Commercial, "G" Height and Area to allow <br />hospital /medical related uses and their associated uses. The property currently contains the YWCA. <br />Located to the north is a school zoned "A" Residential, "A" Height and Area; to the east is an off <br />street parking facility zoned "A" Residential, "A" Height and Area; to the south are hospital/medical <br />related uses and associated off street parking facilities; and to the west are residential uses, including <br />single family, two (2) family and multi - family homes zoned "A" Residential, "C" Height and Area <br />and a park zoned "A" Residential, "A" Height and Area. Access to the site is from Lafayette <br />Boulevard and Bartlett Street. Water and Sewer are available to the site. The total site to be <br />rezoned is .96 acres. A check of the Agency's maps indicates that no flood hazards, wetlands or <br />environmental hazard areas are present. A community well field is located northeast of the site. <br />A site plan is not required for rezonings that are initiated by the Common Council. The Area Plan <br />Commission, at its Public Hearing held on December 17, 2002, sent this Petition to the Council with <br />a favorable recommendation. This rezoning will aid in the efficient development of the Memorial <br />Hospital campus and will benefit the community as a whole. <br />At this time Mr. Myers presented an overhead presentation indicating the proposed rezoning areas. <br />Mr. Bruce Bancroft, Barnes & Thornburg, 100 North Michigan Street, South Bend, Indiana, made <br />the presentation for these bills. <br />Mr. Bancroft noted that the property which Memorial Hospital, their client, is requesting be rezoned <br />this evening is part of the main hospital block which is west of Michigan Street and is bounded by <br />Navarre Street on the north. There are three (3) areas that they are asking to be rezoned to "C" "G" <br />Height and Area. He noted that Mr. Foti explained the growth of Memorial and the need for more <br />space and some new buildings. There is a need for flexibility in the hospital's planning so they can <br />make each piece of ground count and they need to know that they can use it within the confines of <br />the zoning ordinance. One section to be rezoned is where the main hospital is located. The other <br />is the YWCA property which the hospital has a contract to purchase and will purchase sometime in <br />September. The third area is a quarter block of parking which is immediately north of the present <br />Bartlett Street parking garage. Those three (3) areas need to be rezoned so that the hospital can plan <br />its future growth in those areas. Mr. Bancroft stated that they expect some development in those <br />areas late this Fall or early next year when an agreement with the school corporation is placed in <br />effect after the YWCA property is purchased. The hospital has in this area as they did in the area <br />on the other side of Michigan Street talked with Mr. Aranowski and the neighbors and the hospital <br />has agreed that Lafayette Street, opposite the area where the YWCA is located, will have a twenty <br />(20) foot setback from the property line of Memorial and whatever is built there will be forty (40) <br />feet from the edge of the pavement on Lafayette Street. This is the area of new development on <br />
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