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REGULAR MEETING JANUARY_27, 2003 <br />PETITION OF JUSTINE DEMAEGT, OWNER, AND <br />CLELAND HOMES, INC., CONTINGENT PURCHASER, <br />TO ANNEX PROPERTY BOUNDED ON THE NORTH BY <br />BRICK ROAD, ON THE SOUTH BY THE SOUTH BEND <br />CITY LIMITS, ON THE WEST BY THE HARTMAN AND <br />DEMAEGT SUBDIVISION AND ON THE EAST BY THE <br />HARVEST POINTE SUBDIVISION <br />Councilmember Kuspa reported that the Zoning & Annexation Committee held a Public Hearing on <br />this bill this afternoon and sends it to the Council with a favorable recommendation. <br />Mr. Bernard Feeney, Registered Land Surveyor, 715 South Michigan Street, South Bend, Indiana, <br />made the presentation for this bill. <br />Mr. Feeney advised that this piece of property is approximately twenty- seven (27) acres on the <br />south side of Brick Road between the Harvest Pointe Subdivision and DeMaegt Subdivision. The <br />proposal is to construct approximately one hundred (100) homes which represent an investment of <br />$1.2 million on the part of the developer for infrastructure costs alone excluding any property costs. <br />The expected end value of this construction when the homes have been completed would be in <br />excess of $10 million. Mr. Feeney noted that sewer and water will be extended from nearby points <br />of availability in Harvest Pointe as well as adjacent industrial sites. This construction will add <br />approximately one (1) mile of new roads. He further noted that they expect that storm water will <br />be retained on the site in retention areas located throughout the development. Also, they expect to <br />file the preliminary plat with the Area Plan Commission within the next few weeks and hope to have <br />construction plans ready for the start of construction this spring on Phase I of this project. <br />This being the time heretofore set for the Public Hearing on the above bill, proponents and <br />opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. <br />There was no one present wishing to speak to the Council either in favor of or in opposition to this <br />bill. <br />Councilmember Aranowski advised that the First District welcomes this new addition and he <br />therefore made a motion for favorable recommendation to the full Council with third reading of this <br />bill on February 10, 2003. Councilmember Varner seconded the motion which carried by a voice <br />vote of eight (8) ayes. <br />BILL NO. 101-02 PUBLIC HEARING ON A BILL TO VACATE THE <br />FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: THE FIRST <br />EAST -WEST ALLEY SOUTH OF JEFFERSON BLVD. <br />BETWEEN MAIN STREET AND LAFAYETTE STREET <br />& ALSO THE FIRST NORTH -SOUTH ALLEY WEST OF <br />MAIN STREET RUNNING BETWEEN JEFFERSON <br />BLVD. TO THE SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF THE <br />FIRST EAST -WEST ALLEY SOUTH OF JEFFERSON <br />BLVD. 0 <br />