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120ON CovNTY -CITY BUILDING <br />227 W. JEFFERSON BLVD. <br />SOUTH BEND, INDIANA 46601 -1830 <br />PHONE 574/ 235 -9216 <br />FAx 574/235 -9928 <br />CITY OF SOUTH BEND PETE BUTTIGIEG, MAYOR <br />DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE <br />April 3, 2013 <br />Mr. Derek Dieter <br />President, South Bend Common Council <br />4th Floor, County -City Building <br />South Bend, IN 46601 <br />Re: Resolution and Ordinance Concerning Lease for Construction and Equipping of New Fire <br />Station #5 and Fire Safety Training Facility <br />Dear President Dieter: <br />As you know, discussions have been ongoing about the need to replace Fire Station #5 <br />located at 2221 Prairie Avenue in South Bend, and the benefit to the City of constructing a fire <br />safety training facility in South Bend. An ordinance and a resolution are being filed this date <br />which commence the process for lease financing of both of these state of the art facilities. A <br />duplicate original of this letter is being submitted to cover both the Resolution and the Ordinance <br />because they are integrally related. <br />The attached Ordinance approves and authorizes the execution of a Lease whereby <br />construction of both new Fire Station #5 and the fire safety training facility will be achieved <br />through a lease between the City as lessee and the City of South Bend Building Corporation as <br />lessor, for a term not to exceed twenty one years, at a lease rental rate of not more than <br />$561,000 per year, payable in semi - annual installments of $280,500 each. The proposed Lease is <br />also attached. It is expected that lease rental payments shall be payable from the Emergency <br />Medical Services Fund (EMS Funds), and that EMS Funds will fully cover the Lease costs. <br />Should EMS Funds and other revenues be insufficient for this purpose, the Lease has been <br />structured so that the tax levy will serve as back -up only; this will enable marketing of the <br />Building Corporations bonds at a lower rate of interest. Please note that the Project does not <br />constitute a "controlled project" as such term is defined by IC 6- 1.1- 20 -1.1 because such rentals <br />are reasonably expected to be paid from funds other than property taxes that are exempt from the <br />levy limitations of IC 6 -1.1 -18.5. <br />A pre - curser to passage of the Ordinance is the attached Resolution which authorizes the <br />steps required to approve the proposed Lease under IC 36 -1 -10. Therefore, the Resolution sets <br />public hearing on the Lease for April 22, 2013 which is intended to coincide with the Council's <br />review, public hearing, and passage of the Ordinance. The Resolution also directs that a petition <br />from at least 50 South Bend real property owners be circulated and signed requesting that the <br />City enter the proposed Lease, all as required by State law (IC 36- 1 -10 -7) . <br />