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Setting a Public Hearing on a Lease for the Construction and Equipping of a Fire Stattion, a Fire Safety Traning Facility
Common Council
Resolutions/Special Resolutions
Setting a Public Hearing on a Lease for the Construction and Equipping of a Fire Stattion, a Fire Safety Traning Facility
Entry Properties
Last modified
4/16/2013 1:37:29 PM
Creation date
4/16/2013 1:36:45 PM
City Council - City Clerk
City Council - Document Type
City Counci - Date
Ord-Res Number
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such addendum shall specify the Trustee to whom the Lessee shall pay the rental to be due under <br />this Lease. <br />3. Additional Rental Payments. The Lessee shall pay as further rental for <br />said premises all taxes and assessments levied against or on account of the Projects and expenses <br />incurred by the Building Corporation related to the Indenture, including but not limited to fees of <br />the Trustee. Any and all such payments shall be made and satisfactory evidence of such <br />payments in the form of receipts shall be furnished to the Lessor by the Lessee, at least three (3) <br />days before the last day upon which the same must be paid to avoid delinquency. In case the <br />Lessee shall in good faith desire to contest the validity of any such tax or assessment, and shall <br />so notify the Lessor, and shall furnish bond with surety to the approval of the Lessor conditioned <br />for the payment of the charges so desired to be contested and all damages or loss resulting to the <br />Lessor from the non - payment thereof when due, the Lessee shall not be obligated to pay the <br />same until such contests shall have been determined. <br />4. Abatement of Rent. In the event the Projects shall be partially or totally <br />destroyed, whether by fire or any other casualty, so as to render the same unfit, in whole or part, <br />for use and occupancy by the Lessee, it shall then be the obligation of the Lessor to restore and <br />rebuild the Projects as promptly as may be done, unavoidable strikes and other causes beyond the <br />control of the Lessor excepted; provided, however, that the Lessor shall not be obligated to <br />expend on such restoration or rebuilding more than the amount of the proceeds received by the <br />Lessor from the insurance provided for in Paragraph 6 hereof. <br />The rent payable hereunder for the Projects shall be abated for the period during <br />which the Projects, or any part thereof, are unfit for occupancy and such abatement shall be in <br />proportion to the percentage of floor area of each of the Projects which is unfit for occupancy. <br />-4 <br />DMS_US 51840010x2 <br />
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