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12-08-03 Council Meeting Minutes
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Common Council Meeting Minutes
12-08-03 Council Meeting Minutes
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REGULAR MEETING <br />DECEMBER 8, 2003 <br />summer residents had to close their doors because when Hurwich dumped, the dust flow came right <br />over into the neighborhood and they did not get any kind of respect. <br />Ms. Sue Hockman, 1402 West Washington Street, South Bend, Indiana, stated that she resides a <br />block or two (2) from the factory. She stated that everyone in the neighborhood is against this <br />zoning because if Hurwich gets this zoning they do not know how many other factories will want <br />the higher zoning. Ms. Hockman stated that Mr. Zappia mentioned a neighborhood meeting at <br />which Hurwich received favorable response but did not mention another meeting that was held in <br />which no one or very few people said yes. Ms. Hockman informed the Council that she previously <br />lived on Jefferson Street and later acquired a new house on Washington Street. She has also worked <br />on the West Washington Chapin Renovation Board and they have been dedicated to get this <br />neighborhood to where it is now. The Board had a wish list and things were accomplished. They <br />are now down to the last of the list and a factory that wants to have a higher level of industrial zoning <br />will cause everything they have worked for to go down the tube. Ms. Hockman stated that she <br />understands the position of Hurwich is to make more money but she is from the neighborhood and <br />she is willing to work this out with Hurwich that maybe all of them can be happy and would work <br />to help Mr. Morris get his factory like he wants it but possibly someplace else. <br />Mr. Curtis Owens, 1126 North Olive Street, South Bend, Indiana, informed the Council that he grew <br />up at 1636 Florence Street and he remembers Hurwich Iron because a lot of times people could not <br />get jobs. Mr. Zappia made statements that jobs would be available for the youth. However, Mr. <br />Owens stated that he does not trust Hurwich because they did not do much to provide employment <br />in the 1960's. He further stated that the crushing of the concrete will cause dust. Mr. Owens <br />informed the Council that a lot of money has been spent to improve the area and this action would <br />take the neighborhood backwards when they should be going forward. He questioned why they <br />couldn't take these operations out of the neighborhood because there will also be a smell. If this <br />is allowed and Hurwich starts making money then they will want to try to do something else. Mr. <br />Owens stated that residents will start moving out of the neighborhood and they will be back where <br />they were. <br />Reverend Cary Batteast, 101 Adams Street, South Bend, Indiana, advised that he is an Associate <br />Minister at the Greater St. John Church, which is across the street from Hurwich and Frankie's <br />Barbeque. Rev. Batteast stated that they respect Hurwich Iron for being in their community for <br />many years. In response to Mr. Zappia's reference to Batteast Construction, Rev. Batteast stated <br />that Batteast Construction owns property on Washington Street which they use only for storage. <br />Reverend Batteast noted that they rent storage from Batteast Real Estate which put up a building on <br />West Washington and there is no traffic from them. The difference between Batteast Construction <br />using property to restore stuff on Washington and Hurwich Iron, is that Batteast Construction has <br />always invested in the community and has always employed residents from the west side of South <br />Bend. Ritschard Brothers also owns property on West Washington Street and they have trucks every <br />once in a while coming in but Ritschard Brothers has invested in their churches and their community <br />on the west side of South Bend. Rev. Batteast stated that Hurwich Iron has never helped churches <br />across the street from them and there are five (5) in that immediate area. Truck and train traffic does <br />not smell. Truck and train traffic does not stir up dust that Hurwich puts out from crushing concrete. <br />Rev. Batteast concluded by stating that he would not like Hurwich to crush concrete across the <br />street from where he buys food and from where he worships. Concrete is crushed on Lathrop and <br />Bendix in a hole that is eighty (80) feet deep but citizens still have to drive through dust. <br />Mr. Tom Broden, 201 West North Shore Drive, South Bend, Indiana, informed the Council that he <br />is a member of St. Augustine Parish located directly across the street from the property in question. <br />He stated that St. Augustine and all of the other churches and institutions in the area have for the <br />last thirty -five (35) years been engaged in very difficult efforts to upgrade this part ofthe community. <br />He is opposing this rezoning because he sees a step backwards in terms of the ideal that the people <br />in the neighborhood have for their residential area. All of the negative effects that have been stated <br />are important but also a very important negative aspect of the zoning will be the psychological or <br />reputation that would be derived from a sudden change in the approach in this neighborhood. The <br />-11- <br />
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