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Amendment No 1 to OEA - Byer's Softball Proj No. 123-072 – DLZ Indiana, LLC
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Amendment No 1 to OEA - Byer's Softball Proj No. 123-072 – DLZ Indiana, LLC
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Last modified
2/27/2024 1:33:59 PM
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2/27/2024 1:33:49 PM
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Page 2 (Exhibit K – (Amendment to Owner-Engineer Agreement) – Attachment 1) 2) Add Scope of Services items A1.06 through A1.12 as follows: A1.06 Topographic and Boundary Survey A. Provide approximately 32 acres of topographic mapping within the limits indicated in Exhibit 2 within the parcel limits of Byers Softball Complex (including contiguous ‘St. Clair Park’). 1. Establish horizontal and vertical control throughout the project limits. Horizontal control will be based on the Indiana Coordinate System of 1983, East zone (NAD83). Vertical control will be based on the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88). 2. The mapping will include features such as fences, lights, buildings, sidewalks, outline of landscape areas, outline of wooded areas, isolated trees over 6” in diameter, etc. 3. Locate and provide rim elevations for castings (manholes, catch basins and curb inlets) within the project limits, including those just beyond the curb line. 4. Detail sanitary and storm structures to determine invert elevations, flow direction, type and size of pipes. 5. Known subsurface utilities will be depicted based on the field survey of surface markings provided by Indiana Underground Plant Protection Service. 6. Create topographic base map from the survey data. 7. Right of way/property lines based on available field investigation and recorded subdivision plats, apparent right of way will be shown for any areas lying outside of a subdivision. Lot lines will be depicted per the recorded subdivision plats or GIS information. B. Boundary survey will be performed in accordance with the minimum standard requirements for retracement surveys per 865 IAC 1-12. A Plat of Survey will be prepared at a suitable scale and will be signed and stamped by an Indiana Professional Land Surveyor. Unless already monumented, the corners of the parcel will be staked with 5/8” rebar with plastic identification caps, or other suitable material. Easements of record may be shown, if provided. A1.07 Subsurface Utility Locates (Allowance) A. DLZ will subcontract with a Utility locating firm to provide surface markings in accordance with Quality Level B as defined by CI/ASCE 38-02 “Standard Guideline for the Collection and Depiction of Existing Subsurface Utility Data” attached hereto. The surface markings will be surveyed and incorporated into the overall base map. Specific areas of need will be coordinated with Owner prior to execution of services.
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