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2/21/24, 8:46 AM Projectmates Contract <br />file:///C:/Users/epaul/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/INetCache/Content.Outlook/BUMOPNZ8/CO%232 breakdown.html 1/4 <br />Contract # 2 <br />20-Feb-2024 02:32 PM EST <br />2023 Traffic Calming <br />227 W Jefferson Blvd. South Bend, IN 46601 <br />Project Number: 122-014C <br />2: CO#2 <br />Grand Total: $268,013.46 <br />For 002 2023 Traffic Calming Construction Contract <br />Division 99 <br />Line Item <br />Type Unit price <br />Group 5.0 Construction <br />Scope of <br />Work <br />Notes <br />Awarded To Selge Construction Co. Inc. <br />Selge Office <br />Reason <br />Code Owner Requested <br />Days <br />Changed 0 <br />Attachments <br />Change Order Summary <br />Original Contract Sum 1,750,570.00 Substantial Completion Date <br />Net Cost by Previous Approved COs 59,656.85 Net Time Change By Previous COs 0 days <br />Contract Sum Before This CO 1,810,226.85 Substantial Completion before This CO <br />Contract Sum Changed By This CO 268,013.46 Time Changed By This CO 0 days <br />New Contract Sum 2,078,240.31 New Substantial Completion Date <br />All Change Orders make up 18.72% of the Original Contract <br />Accounting and Status <br />Accounting Status <br />Item Id 205 <br />Custom Accounting Field 01 Custom Accounting Field 02 <br />Custom Accounting Field 03 Custom Accounting Field 04 <br />Custom Accounting Field 05 Custom Accounting Field 06 <br />Custom Accounting Field 07 Custom Accounting Field 08 <br />Line Items