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DISPUTE RESOLUTION <br />The following procedures shall be used to resolve all disputes relating to the <br />administration of this Drug Policy: <br />Any dispute or disagreement concerning the application or interpretation of this <br />Agreement shall be referred to the Drug Testing Policy Committee (The Committee) for <br />resolution. As set forth in Article I, The Committee shall consist of an equal number of <br />labor and management representatives. The Committee has full discretionary authority to <br />interpret and administer all provisions of this Drug Policy. <br />All disputes or requests for review must be set forth in writing and submitted via mail or <br />email by a representative of the Local Union of the Complainant to The Committee in <br />accordance with the time constraints of the grievance and arbitration provisions of the <br />Complainant's collective bargaining agreement. The Drug Testing Policy Committee can <br />waive the timeframe requirements of this section upon good cause shown by the <br />Complainant. <br />The Committee shall generally hear and decide all timely requests for review within three <br />(3) business days of receipt of the request, unless extended by The Committee for cause. <br />If an extension is necessary, The Committee will notify the parties in writing of the <br />extension. <br />All decisions of The Committee shall be accomplished only by a majority vote at a <br />meeting at which a quorum is present. A quorum of The Committee shall consist of two <br />(2) labor members and two (2) management members. The labor and management <br />representatives shall have an equal number of votes, regardless of the number of <br />committee members actually present at a meeting. In person hearings are not required. <br />Decisions can be made upon review by The Committee of the evidence submitted and <br />meetings may be conducted over the phone or via computer. <br />Once a decision has $een reached by The Committee, the parties will be notified of the <br />decision as soon as possible, but generally not later than three (3) business days after the <br />decision has been reached. In the event of a deadlock of any issue, the dispute shall be <br />referred as a grievance under the procedures set forth in the complainant's collective <br />bargaining agreement. The Committee shall endeavor to answer any questions related to <br />Drug Policy disputes for which no deadlock exists. <br />Notwithstanding the provisions of this Article I, all individuals subject to this policy shall <br />continue to have access to the usual protections provided as part of their union <br />membership and/or as members of the bargaining units covered by a collective <br />bargaining agreement, including the usual grievance and arbitration provisions of the <br />individual's collective bargaining agreement. Any timeframes set forth in a local <br />grievance procedure may be tolled and/or a grievance stayed while a dispute is pending <br />before The Committee. <br />K. DEFINITIONS <br />TO ENSURE COMMON UNDERSTANDING OF TERMS, THE FOLLOWING <br />DEFINITIONS SHOULD BE CONSISTENTLY USED: <br />-14- <br />